Another CVS hit by armed gunman in Northville

Sep. 9, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Northville Township police report that despite a continuing search by police officers from various agencies with K-9 dogs and a helicopter, an armed gunman is still at large in the northwest area of Five Mile and Sheldon Roads after a
Community Bulletin Board

Aug. 29, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News The 63rdAnnual Plymouth Fall Festival will be held Friday Sept. 7-8 and 9 in downtown Plymouth. Be sure and pick up your official Associated Newspapers of Michigan Fall Festival Program with this week’s edition of THE EAGLE. Rotary Chicken
Northville police launch dragnet for masked bandit

Sep. 5 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News POLICE UPDATE: On Sept. 4, 2018, at approximately 8:00 p.m. an armed robbery occurred at the CVS Pharmacy located at 16855 Haggerty Road, in Northville Township. The subject produced a long gun and demanded currency from the clerk. The store
Armed bank robbery ends in crash-arrest

Aug. 30, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News WATCH VIDEO UPDATED Aug. 31, 2018 Livonia Police report three people who were riding in the sedan were captured and are in custody; a man and two women. The driver of the vehicle was transported to a local hospital with
Mitchell hearing set for Wednesday

Aug. 27, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer The long-awaited federal corruption case against Mike Mitchell, 49, former director of parks and grants in Plymouth Township, will finally be heard this week according to people familiar with the case. Mitchell is now scheduled
City – Township conclude pension dispute

Kurt Heise Plymouth Township Supervisor with City of Plymouth Mayor Oliver Wolcott Aug. 27, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News With the presentation of a $1.1 million check from the City of Plymouth to Plymouth Township last week both parties have announced the successful conclusion of the
What’s going on

Aug. 23, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News What’s going on ! Greek Festival Come enjoy the Greek Festival happening this weekend at the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church, 39851 Five Mile Road. Journey to Greece right in your own backyard with the sights, sounds,
Veteran’s Health Summit

Aug. 23, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News UPDATED A Veteran’s Health Summit is planned from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Sept. 20 at the VisTaTech Center at Schoolcraft College. This is the 9thAnnual Veterans’ Summit which brings experts together with veteran in need of understanding the benefits
Wanted by Plymouth Township Police

Aug. 19, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Plymouth Township Police are seeking help to identify an apparent female seen taking thousands of dollars from a donation box at the Gurdwara Sahib Sikh Temple at 40600 Schoolcraft Rd. at 4:05 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 12. The suspect was
Plymouth barber charged in slaying

Aug. 18, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News A Plymouth man has been charged with first-degree murder, carrying a concealed weapon, as a felon in possession of a firearm and with felony firearm violations. Jamar Levon Woodmore, 29, of Plymouth, was charged with the fatal shooting of a