What has Jennifer Granholm done for Michigan

Jan. 22, 2025 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
“$14 billion was awarded to DTE Energy and Consumers Energy–two companies with ties to Granholm, solely for projects in Michigan”
According to The Washington Free Beacon, erstwhile Northville Township resident, state attorney general, Michigan governor (2003-2011) and outgoing U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Jennifer Granholm is said to have spent her final days in office sending billions in green energy loan guarantees to utility companies in Michigan, some of which are alleged to be Granholm’s largest benefactors during her Michigan gubernatorial campaign.
The Beacon expose’ comes on the heels of U.S. Senator (R.MO.) Josh Hawley’s severe criticism of Granholm last April during a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing for “lying about her personal stock holdings and for presiding over a culture of corruption where senor DOE employees trade and own stocks related to the agency’s work.” Hawley pressed Granholm to reveal her connection to dark money organizations funded by billionaires.
Hawley, calling for Granholm’s resignation said at the time,
“I just want to know who runs the Energy Department, is it you, or is it the mega corporations whose stock that you own that you are making profits on? Or maybe it’s the foreign billionaires who fund your conferences,” asked Hawley.
“All I have to say is this record is deplorable, it is despicable, it is outrageous that hundreds of officers in the Energy Department are trading shares. It is outrageous that you’ve misled us. It is outrageous that you are continuing to mislead us, and it is outrageous you’re going to conferences and events funded by foreign billionaires using dark money to try to influence our politics. This has got to change, and frankly you should go,”
The Washington Free Beacon story by Thomas Catenacci was published Jan. 20, 2025.
“I am proud of the dedicated federal workforce that has been and will continue to be committed to using all the tools available to ensure our nation stays competitive and energy secure,” Jennifer Granholm.
Plymouth Voice.