Local journalism matters

Dec. 24, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News OPINION Newspapers have played a vital role in building our great community. As we wrap up another year we watch journalist continually lose their jobs amid the local news crisis spreading across the country. With the shift to digital media the
Go-Fund-Me account set for family

Dec. 19, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Plymouth Township police continue to investigate an apparent murder-suicide which occurred Dec. 17. Evidence at the scene in the 14000 block of C Drive in the township indicate that 46-year-old James Salamay shot and killed his estranged wife, Christina, 37, before
Plymouth Township police continue to investigate murder-suicides

Dec. 17, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE. PLYMOUTH MICHIGAN NEWS Police officers were dispatched to the 1400 Block of C Drive in Plymouth Hills Trailer Park on Ridge near North Territorial Road about 6:45 a.m. Tuesday morning after a report of a shots fired. Upon arrival they found a deceased woman in
With no ambulance available, injured cyclist calls Uber

Dec. 14, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Recently reported by the Ann Arbor News, a cyclist who was not hit by a car but lost control of his bicycle and injured with a dislocated knee gave up waiting for an ambulance and instead called Uber to get to
Elks to host Flying Crowbars

Dec 9, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Blues @ The Elks takes place from 7 until 10 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month at the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge #325 in partnership with the Detroit Blues Society (www.detroitblues-society.org). There is a $5 donation at the door
Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov. 28, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News To our thousands of faithful readers and friends on this special day – we are very thankful for your continued support this past year and wish you good health and fortune as we try our best to bring you useful
Here’s the scoop on Santa in Plymouth

Nov. 25, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News With a production suitable for New York City’s Macy’s or should we say Gimbles, the North Pole Helpers (AKA elves and commonly referred to as the Plymouth Chamber) is all set to help Santa usher in the holiday season, this Friday,
Surveillance photos result in apprehension

Nov. 21, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Canton Police say wide spread publication of store surveillance photos by news media resulted in the apprehension of a Wayne resident alleged to have committed credit card fraud. Caught on surveillance cameras, suspect Kristi Lynn Smith, 41, was arrested and arraigned
Northville kicks-off the Christmas Holiday

Nov. 20, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Northville’s Hometown Holiday Celebration and Home Tour kicks-off the holiday season this Friday, Nov. 22. The celebration begins with the annual Lighted Holiday Parade with marchers, floats and the ceremonial lighting of the Christmas tree in Town Square. The event starts at 6:30 p.m. Downtown
Town Hall to discuss sale of Wayne County Land

Nov. 15, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer A citizens grass roots group that want to stop the sale of two historic Ford Village Industry plants and the adjoining 11-acres of near Wilcox and Newburg lakes to private developers will hold a Town Hall presentation