Community Bulletin Board

Feb. 25, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Jazz at the Elks set Jazz @ The Elks happens from 7 until 9:30 p.m. the last Tuesday of the month. There is a $10 donation at the door which includes hors d’oeuvres. Enjoy jazz in a listening room
Let’s not spoil our town

Feb. 23, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News OPINION Times have changed. As the City of Plymouth continues to grow and flourish as one of the most desirable communities in the country, change is inevitable. Demographics have changed, the landscape has seen change and the environment has changed. What
Pay taxes now without penalty

Feb. 20, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News UPDATED The Plymouth Treasurer’s Office is reminding residents that the final day to pay 2017 city taxes without penalty is Tuesday, Feb. 27. Winter and Summer tax bills are may be paid In-person at Plymouth City Hall Drop boxes
Plymouth’s railroad problems-far from over

Feb. 17, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News OPINION Stalled trains blocking tracks at Plymouth’s four main railroad crossings for hours on end, month after month of complaints from frustrated motorists, fruitless rhetoric from politicians and CSX Railroad representatives leave a serious issue unsolved that has for
Who could disagree with saving lives?

If this were you or your loved one, which team member would you want to give up? Feb. 11, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News OPINION We can do more each year than just honor the men and women of our community
Community Bulletin Board

Chesapeake & Ohio passenger train leaves Plymouth Depot-Starkweather and Pearl, 1960. Feb. 9, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Plymouth Township snow policy statement The Township does not plow streets; this is the responsibility of Wayne County Roads or your own Homeowner’s Association by private
Artistic evening planned.

Feb. 6, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News The Michigan Philharmonic will present “An Evening of Artistic Expression” beginning at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 9. The performance will include vocalist Lonnie Reed, guest artist for the Michigan Philharmonic “Rock, Pop & Soul” concert. “An Evening of Artistic Expression”
Plymouth Community Arts Council –events and workshops

Feb. 3, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News The Plymouth Community Arts Council has received a WalMart Foundation grant to support Black History Month Programming. February solo exhibit artist, Carl Davis will show his work in the main gallery of the arts council during the month in an
Popular VFW Friday Night Fish Fry set

Feb. 2, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Take advantage of an opportunity to support your local VFW Post and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Plymouth Lt. Gamble VFW Post 6695 is set to again host their acclaimed Friday Night Fish Fry starting Feb. 9, and every Friday night
Community Bulletin Board

Jan. 27, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth City and Plymouth Township-Recreation Master Plan public input workshops Open to fall members of the Plymouth Community Monday, Jan. 29, 1:00-3:00 p.m. at Plymouth Township Hall, 9955 N. Haggerty Road, Plymouth Township Monday, Jan. 29, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Plymouth Cultural Center,