Plymouth City Commission
Plymouth Parks and Recreation referendum is deeply flawed

Oct. 13, 2023 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News OPINION Guest Editorial By: Ron Picard On Nov. 7 Plymouth will vote on the Plymouth Parks Proposal (Proposal 1). If passed, the proposed 1.75-mill increase will generate approximately $1.3 million per year between 2024 and 2035. That’s over $15 million in
Owners protest proposed restaurant patio rent hike

Aug. 3, 2023 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News “As a Commission, we can only meet and discuss things at public, open meetings (shout out to the Open Meetings Act–it’s an important law and we follow it to the letter!) The proposed policy was on the 7/17 agenda so we
How many liquor licenses are too many?

Oct. 6, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News UPDATED A regular meeting of the Plymouth Planning Commission will be held Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 7 p.m. at City Hall (and online Zoom) to consider a Special Land Use and Site Plan Review for downtown property located in the Central
Plymouth officials resume ‘Coffee with Commissioners’ this week

Sep. 7, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News After a long hiatus area residents and concerned citizens will have an ideal opportunity to get acquainted with their Plymouth City Commissioners in an informal setting, ask questions and discuss hot button issues. Plymouth City Commission has scheduled the first in
City officials resurrect paid parking plan

Feb. 22, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News After nearly a three-year hiatus the Plymouth City Commission is once again considering paid parking for the downtown area. Members listened to citizen comments and concerns and unanimously passed a resolution at the regular City Commission meeting held Feb. 7 to
Harvey Street project brings traffic misery

Aug. 28, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Just in time for the streets of downtown Plymouth to fill with thousands of visitors for the Fall Festival, construction on Harvey Street is proceeding on schedule. Plymouth City Commission members during their regular July meeting approved several contracts for the
City vows – No more liquor licenses

Jun. 15, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News In a surprise move, Plymouth City Commission has approved a resolution to cap the number of allowable liquor licenses in Plymouth. A brief summary of their June 7 meeting stated: “The City Commission approved many liquor license renewals and approved a
Work underway for $1.2 million park fountain

May 7, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Work has now commenced on the much-anticipated new Kellogg Park fountain, one year after the City of Plymouth and The Wilcox Foundation mutually agreed to delay the Wilcox Fountain Project due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Members of the Downtown Development Authority
Plymouth City Commission only has 4 candidates

Apr. 30, 2021 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News The outcome of the Nov. 2 general election for the four expiring terms on the Plymouth City Commission is pretty much already determined. Only four candidates filed the necessary nominating petitions last week for the seats leaving voters to decide only
Plymouth City Commission Meeting Summary

Nov. 21, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Meeting Summary Nov. 16, 2020: The Plymouth City Commission authorized the design phase for the 2021 Street Improvement Project at its regular meeting held via Zoom on Monday, Nov. 16. The authorization allows the City engineer to proceed with designs on