Harvey Street project brings traffic misery

Aug. 28, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Just in time for the streets of downtown Plymouth to fill with thousands of visitors for the Fall Festival, construction on Harvey Street is proceeding on schedule.
Plymouth City Commission members during their regular July meeting approved several contracts for the 2021 Harvey Street construction project.
The planned construction has closed Harvey Street between Ann Arbor Trail and Penniman.
The project will include new water mains, new sanitary sewers, new storm sewers and a new roadway surface.
Also among the approvals by commissioners was the authorization of several temporary and permanent easements, approval of the construction contract with Pro-Line Asphalt, and the approval of new mast arms and pedestrian signals at both Ann Arbor Trail and Penniman. The mast arms and new pedestrian signals aren’t expected to be installed until spring of 2022 due to supply chain issues, according to officials.
During the past week, crews installed the water main that runs under the Tonquish Creek.
Nest week crews will continue with water main installation as well as some storm sewer and sanitary sewer work. Once the water main is installed, it will undergo a series of pressure and bacteriological tests before it can be connected to the current water system. When the new water main is connected to the current water system, there will some scheduled service interruptions for the residents and businesses along Harvey St. City staff will communicate well in advance of this work and will hand deliver notices door to door prior to any interruption of service.
The week following Labor Day will see continued work on the underground utilities and cleanup prior to the Fall Festival. Northbound traffic will be allowed on Harvey St. between Ann Arbor Trail and Penniman during the festival weekend. Officials say traffic will be allowed to travel northbound from Ann Arbor Trail-enter Fleet St. and park, and traffic exiting the parking deck must exit back onto Harvey St. and continue north toward Penniman.
More information is available from the Department of Municipal Services (734- 453-7737). Specific questions regarding deliveries, access or progress of the construction project can also be addressed by calling the number above. Information can also be accessed at www.plymouth-mi.gov/roadconstruction, officials said.
Plymouth Voice.