Police Department
Plymouth Police Department News.
Plymouth Township’s ticking time bomb

Jan. 2, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. OPINION Months have passed since Plymouth Township officials approached Police Department union personnel with a proposal to combine fire fighter and police duties into public safety officer position, commonly known as PSO’s. Plymouth Township supervisor, Richard Reaume stated the township administration is considering
Public safety officer plan is ‘doubtful’

Nov. 29, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. As rumor and conjecture continue to swirl about a plan to adopt a Public Safety Officer (PSO) plan in the City of Plymouth, Police Chief Al Cox has doubts about the veracity of those reports. The plan, currently under consideration in Plymouth Township,
Public safety awards are deserved by all officers

Nov. 21, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Opinion Noticeably absent from the ceremony this year was the Plymouth Township Fire Department. Last Friday, the Plymouth Noon Rotary Club presented the Officer of the Year awards to firefighters and police officers in the city and township of Plymouth, a tribute
Officers of the Year honored by Plymouth Rotary Club

Nov. 21, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. The Plymouth Noon Rotary Club presented the annual Public Safety Awards during their regular luncheon meeting last Friday. The Plymouth Township Police Department selected Sgt. Todd Seipenko as Officer of the Year and the honor went to Ofc. Justin Bulmer of the City of
Is it OK to steal campaign signs? Township Supervisor caught by cop on camera

Oct. 26, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. WATCH VIDEO Richard Reaume caught by off-duty cop Update– Case turned over to the Michigan State Police for investigation after White filed a complaint with the Plymouth Township Police Department “Reaume attempted to deflect criticism of his
Police shooting under investigation

Oct. 18, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. STATE POLICE INVESTIGATION CONTINUES An unidentified Plymouth Township man was shot and killed by a City of Plymouth police officer late Sunday evening Oct. 14, following a confrontation at a home on Lilley Road. According to a statement from Plymouth Police Chief Al Cox,
Plymouth cop kills suspect in confrontation

WATCH VIDEO – WJBK FOX 2 – DETROIT By Maurielle Lue FOX 2 News Reporter OCT. 20, 2012 READ UPDATED STORY Police shooting under investigation THE EAGLE – w w w . a s s o c i a t e d n e w s p
Supevisor remains silent about cop jobs; resident upset

October 4, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Township safety plan questioned To the editor; At the Sept. 25 Plymouth Township Board of Trustees’ meeting, I asked our township supervisor an important question regarding his plan to implement a public service model that has police officers serving as firefighters. The plan
Firefighter criticizes public safety officer plan

October 1, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Chris Hull, a resident and professional fire-fighter, recently expressed his concern that the Township will end up paying more for lesser trained personnel, slower response times with an inferior township fire service without professionals certified in advanced life support. To the editor: The
Plymouth Township to combine fire fighter and police duties

WATCH VIDEO- September 18, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Informed sources report Plymouth Township’s police union personnel are now in the ratification process of a proposal to combine fire fighter and police duties into public safety officer positions, commonly known as PSO’s. The proposed plan will necessitate hiring many more