Plymouth Township
PARC to host candidate forum

Shannon Price and Kurt Heise Jun. 19, 2016 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News The hotly contested Plymouth Township supervisor campaign gets into high-gear on Tuesday when Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex (PARC) holds their first campaign forum showcasing the two Republican candidates running for the job;
Picnic volunteers needed

Jun. 18, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News The 20th annual July 4th Good Old Fashioned Picnic will take place from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. in Plymouth Township. Old favorites like the Grand Traverse Pie eating contest, crafts tent, Genisys Credit Union face painters and the bicycle
Primary will decide several township terms

Jun. 13, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News All four of the candidates elected to terms as Plymouth Township trustees will be Republicans. Only one Democrat filed to have her name included on the Aug. 2 primary election ballot in the township which will reduce the 10 hopeful
Township police warn of increased larceny

Jun. 7, 2016 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Plymouth Township Police say there have been increased reports of larceny from area homes, garages and vehicles with the onset of warm weather. Officials report incidents of individuals casing neighborhoods, knocking on doors and asking for someone who does not
Supreme court rejects township land appeal

Township attorney Kevin Bennett (Right) and special counsel Mike Cox conclude special board presentation over proposed state Supreme Court appeal, February 2016. Photo: © Don Howard/Associated Newspapers of Michigan May 4, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Judges at the Michigan Supreme Court have denied the
Teen sentenced to prison in murder plot

Photo © Don Howard/Associated Newspapers of Michigan Jeffrey and Laurene Sikorksi, parents of Plymouth Township teen at 35th District Court in Oct. 2014. Apr. 5, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Roksana Sikorski, the Plymouth Township teen charged as an adult in a plot to murder her
Police contract arbitration continues

Mar. 7, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer Plymouth Township police officers continue to work without a union agreement, a situation that has continued since their contract expired in December 2014. During the 14 months since that time, the township and the
Plymouth Township Board of Trustees Meeting

Plymouth Township Board of Trustees Meeting regular monthly meeting, Plymouth, Michigan
Police release larceny suspect photos

Jan. 12, 2015 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Plymouth Township Police has released photos taken from a home surveillance video and are seeking help in identifying the subject after several vehicles were broken into on December 23, 2015. The thefts occurred between 1:00 a.m and 3:00 a.m. on Lakewood
Plymouth Township Board of Trustees Meeting

Plymouth Township Board of Trustees Meeting, Plymouth Michigan