Picnic volunteers needed

Jun. 18, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
The 20th annual July 4th Good Old Fashioned Picnic will take place from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. in Plymouth Township. Old favorites like the Grand Traverse Pie eating contest, crafts tent, Genisys Credit Union face painters and the bicycle parade will be back along with some of the newer events like the Fire Department’s Smoke House and Squirt House.
Those who sponsor a table for $250 will be able to sit at a picnic table in a shelter and not wait in line for food including hotdogs, chips, drinks and pie for dessert served at the table. To reserve a table, email klatawiec@plymouthtwp.org.
Plymouth Township officials are also looking for volunteers of all ages to help with games at the 4th of July picnic. Activities this year include a sack race, balloon toss, obstacle course and pie eating contest. Food service volunteers will help wrap hotdogs, serve food, and other duties.
Volunteers are also need to set up tables for crafts tent and hanging banners, among other tasks. High school students looking for some community work credits can earn them at the picnic, officials said.
For information, contact Kelly Latawiec by email klatawiec@plymouthtwp.org or by phone at (734) 414-1445.
Plymouth Voice.
Photo © Don Howard/Associated Newspapers of Michigan