Traffic snarled as workers begin bridge work

Jun. 18, 2024 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
MDOT’s road reconstruction project is in full swing and motorists are frustrated.
Michigan Department of Transportation’s $84 million M-14 – I-96 reconstruction project between Newburgh Rd. in Livonia and Sheldon Rd. in Plymouth Township will certainly remedy the rapidly depreciating roads when completed. However, local motorists are now suffering the consequences with the numerous detours and no end is in sight until late 2026.
Likely lost, commercial carriers have been seen traversing Plymouth Township’s Lake Pointe subdivision. Long lines of motorists regularly jam 5 Mile-Northville Road, Schoolcraft-Haggerty, Wilcox-Hines Drive, and 5-Mile-Haggerty intersections while following the detours.
The Northville Rd. bridge work over M-14 south of 5 Mile was completed last week. Upon completion, MDOT workers closed the Schoolcraft Bridge at Wilcox and the Robinwood Bridge over M-14. In addition, Haggerty was reduced to one lane in each direction. Reopening of the three structures is set for Aug. 3rd.
This year from May to November, rehabilitation work is scheduled at seven locations of which five will drastically effect traffic in Lake Pointe.
- M-14 under Northville Rd.
- M-14 under Robinwood Dr.
- M-14 under Schoolcraft Rd.
- I-96 under Schoolcraft
- I-96 under Newburgh Double U-Turn
- I-96 under Newburgh
MDOT reportedly has invested nearly $2.5 million in non-routine maintenance and emergency repairs to the roadway in the project area over the past few years, not including annual cold patch placement and emergency bridge repairs.
Work scheduled:
Road reconstruction, including all ramps and at the I-275 interchange
Bridge Rehabilitation of 17 Structures
Drainage System Improvements
New Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Technology
Freeway Lighting Replacement
I-275 Metro Trail Improvement
Plymouth Voice.