National Weather Service
NWS issues Excessive Heat Warning for Wednesday

Jun. 13, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News The National Weather Service office in Pontiac has issued a Dangerous Heat Warning for Wednesday, predicting record highs with heat indices climbing to an average of 105 degrees. Temperatures are only lowering into the mid to upper 70s Wednesday night, providing
What happened to Wayne County Road Commission after the winter storm?

Feb. 19, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News UPDATED Feb. 20, 2022 A previous version of this story inadvertently failed to state the quoted comments made by Wayne County Director of Public Services, Beverly Watts, were reported during a broadcast TV interview conducted by WDIV-TV reporter, Shawn Ley, on
Over-hyped snow storm-nobody’s complaining

Feb. 3, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News It appears local meteorologists have over-hyped the snow storm that is now on its last legs in our area, now citing the challenges of coming up with an accurate snow measurement verses rainfall. There are parts of Michigan that saw upwards
Heat Wave – big warm-up this week

May 18, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Heat wave could set record by end of week. The National Weather Service forecasts temperatures will continue to climb over the next several days as a warm front lifts through southern Lower Michigan on Wednesday. With the summer weather pattern trend
Freezing temperature warning – cold snap – snow coming

Apr. 19, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Protect your garden. The National Weather Service warns of freezing temperatures that can damage landscapes and gardens as temperatures will likely fall to the freeze mark tonight north of I-69 and Tuesday and Wednesday night the overnight lows will drop into
Out with the snow – in with the cold, gusty winds

Feb. 16, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News The National Weather Service reported that over a 30-hour period, spanning early Monday morning to early Tuesday, Metro Detroit saw a record 10 inches of snow. With the snow on the way out this morning the forecast is for frigid
NWS-SKYWARN spotter class offered

Mar. 1, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Become an official SKYWARN Severe Weather Spotter for the National Weather Service. As the tornado season approaches the National Weather Service will offer SKYWARN Spotter Training classes in southeast Michigan, through April. A local class will be held on Tuesday, March
SKYWARN volunteers keep their eyes on the skies

Jack Stange of Westland enjoys being a SKYWARN storm spotter. He is a ham radio operator and Garden City Amateur Radio Club member.
SKYWARN training offered in Canton

Apr. 1, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Become an official SKYWARN Severe Weather Spotter for the National Weather Service. As the tornado season approaches the National Weather Service will offer SKYWARN Spotter Training classes in southeast Michigan, through April. A local class will be held on Wednesday, April
Severe Weather Awareness Week

Apr. 5, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Severe Weather Awareness Week April 7 – 13, 2013 To help recognize Severe Weather Awareness Week, Cantons Emergency Management Office encourages residents to review thunderstorm, lightening, tornado and flood safety procedures and urges residents not to be complacent when it comes to severe weather.