Commissioners finally approve work on new Kellogg fountain

Feb. 26, 2021 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
“New fountain should be completed and operational in the fall, although there is no firm deadline…”
Demolition and replacement of the Kellogg Park fountain in downtown Plymouth is scheduled to begin this spring.
The replacement of the fountain, in the planning and design stages for nearly 5 years, will cost about $1.7 million. The city will pay $30,000, the Downtown Development Authority $20,000 and the bulk of the expense paid by a grant of $1.2 million from the Wilcox Foundation.
Last week, members of the Plymouth City Commission approved the contract for demolition and construction of the new fountain with Outside The Lines, a California design company. Commissioners also adopted the grant agreement with the Wilcox Foundation for funding and adopted a distribution agreement between the foundation and the appointed escrow agent.
The commissioners were unanimous in approval of the measures.
A contract for overall construction management will be signed with Shaw Construction at a future date, officials said.
Demolition of the 50-year-old fountain is scheduled to begin this spring and the new fountain should be completed and operational in the fall, although there is no firm deadline, officials noted. The new fountain will be installed just west of the current location.
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Plymouth Voice.