Plymouth Voice
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Plymouth Voice

Jennifer Mann adjusted

August 2, 2012  PLYMOUTH VOICE OPINION   From tax abatements for businesses to strong-arming individuals for donations, to obligating news sources: suggestions, threats and ugly conflicts of interest have been the order of business for Plymouth Township officials for way too long. When trustee candidate Jennifer Mann picked up on

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Dodge Magnum

August 1, 2012  PLYMOUTH VOICE Behind the Flashing Lights By: Harold Merritt A telephone inquiry to Northville Township police last week led to the arrest of a volunteer firefighter suspected of impersonating a police officer.
 The caller told the police dispatcher that she wanted to verify the identification of an

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Medilodge of Plymouth

July 2012  PLYMOUTH VOICE. By:  Harold Merritt   Plymouth’s city manager, Paul Sincock, plans to tell all area nursing homes and senior residences in the City, they must call HVA Ambulance for any medical emergencies, starting immediately.  Plymouth has an inter-local agreement with Northville City since this January to provide

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Newsletter  enhanced

July 19, 2012  PLYMOUTH VOICE. Special to   Letter by:  TOM KELLY.   Mr. Kelly is a long time Plymouth Township resident and a professional firefighter-paramedic in a neighboring community.   Recent Plymouth Township election campaign mailing propaganda have suggested that the current Board of Trustees have, “right-sized” the Plymouth

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Angela Ryan Paula Bowman LWV

July 17, 2012  PLYMOUTH VOICE Special to   By: Don Howard.   Despite resistance by the township supervisor and plans to lock out the League of Women voters from holding a candidate forum at Plymouth Township hall, the show went on Monday night to a large crowd of

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Plymouth Rd Car Accident

It’s not only the Plymouth Township residents who are at risk with a stripped down Fire-EMS service as their Township officials work toward implementing and duplicating the very same public service model-adopted by the City of Plymouth; based on a study provided by ICMA and the nice people at Huron

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JENNIFER MANN. Candidate speaks out  “You do have a choice, there is a better way” It’s high campaign season right now and Plymouth Township candidates are out there in record numbers, anxious and competitive, challenging each other and the incumbents on their past decisions, future plans and even questioning their

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Ply Twp Hall

Editor:  $880,000. SAFER Grant for the Plymouth Township Fire Department was turned down by Supervisor Richard Reaume.   For Immediate Release VIA: PLYMOUTH EAGLE-ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN July 3, 2012   WASHINGTON– U.S. Senators Debbie Stabenow and Carl Levin today announced hiring and retention support for the Auburn Hills, Farmington

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July 6, 2012 CITIZENS FOR CHANGE . JUNE 2012 – PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP INFORMATIONAL LETTER. THERE IS MORE TO THE CONTROVERSY THAN FIRE AND EMS PROTECTION Trustees deny Plymouth Township residents their rights     This letter is about more than the firefighter/EMS issue. It is about citizens being denied answers

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June 25, 2012  DETROIT FREE PRESS. Eric D. Lawrence, Staff Writer.   The debate over cuts to the Plymouth Community Fire Department and other issues is prompting a group of Plymouth Township residents to hold a candidate forum Tuesday. Plymouth Township Concerned Citizens is asking candidates for township offices to

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