For Sept. 11 anniversary, a turning point passed?
PLAY VIDEO WE WILL NEVER FORGET ! September 11, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. In this Sept. 11, 2011 file photo, former U.S. President George W. Bush addresses those attending the 10th anniversary commemoration of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. For the first
Township Supervisor rears ends Plymouth school bus
From time to time Plymouth Voice will be publishing articles about people and events inside Plymouth and Plymouth Township that are not necessarily current news or warrant press attention, but are curious, funny or just ridiculous. This is the first in a series. August 30, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
The problem with the Public Safety Officer
August 29, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. The Real Challenges of Consolidating Police and Fire. By James McLaughlin. With the financial strains currently facing many city managers and mayors throughout the country, consolidation of services is a hot topic in town halls everywhere. Because fire and police departments are often two
City of Plymouth road closure information
August 28, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. McKINLEY STREET – At Sutherland Street McKinley Street is totally closed at Sutherland Street in the southwest section of the City and is scheduled to be closed through September 11th. ADAMS STREET – North of the Tennis Court to Farmer: Road reconstruction
Clerk requests recount in questionable election
August 11, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Joe Bridgman, Plymouth Township Clerk, has served his opponent Nancy Conzelman with legal notice of a recount on the basis of “fraud or a mistake” as recently reported by news sources. It was reported Conzelman said she was “surprised” that Bridgman has called the
Candidates actions criticized
To the editor: Both Bob Dorshevitcz and Mike Kelly stated in the 7-16-12 Candidates Forum that they were “opposed to closing the Wilcox Fire Station.” Yet, while they were Trustees this past March, they both voted to close that same station……LIES, LIES…LIES. Throughout the past year and a half,
Big Question – Are we better off?
August 8, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE OPINION Are Tuesday’s primary election results a vote of confidence for a job well done or proof that money and misinformation can buy results? We think the latter. Are we as safe as we were four years ago? Is our Township as financially sound
It’s time we act to make Plymouth Township a better place to live
August 2, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE OPINION From tax abatements for businesses to strong-arming individuals for donations, to obligating news sources: suggestions, threats and ugly conflicts of interest have been the order of business for Plymouth Township officials for way too long. When trustee candidate Jennifer Mann picked up on
Fake cop or good samaritan? Courts will decide
August 1, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE Behind the Flashing Lights By: Harold Merritt A telephone inquiry to Northville Township police last week led to the arrest of a volunteer firefighter suspected of impersonating a police officer. The caller told the police dispatcher that she wanted to verify the identification of an
OPINION-Failed agenda? City and Township share same playbook
July 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. By: Harold Merritt Plymouth’s city manager, Paul Sincock, plans to tell all area nursing homes and senior residences in the City, they must call HVA Ambulance for any medical emergencies, starting immediately. Plymouth has an inter-local agreement with Northville City since this January to provide