Facts about Facebook on their 10th anniversary

Feb. 5, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Facebook survey said few users share on a daily basis This week marks ten years since Facebook started out and a new Pew Research survey based on telephone interviews last year reveal how relationships are changing in social media world used by hundreds
3 Canton officers promoted

Feb. 5, 2014, PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Three Canton Township Police officers were officially sworn into their new ranks recently by Township Clerk Terry Bennett. The three received their new badges from Township Supervisor Phil LaJoy. Robert Smedley, who has 22 years of service with the police department, was recently promoted
PCCS-hosts open house, meet principals-new superintendent

Feb. 4, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE. The Plymouth-Canton Community School district invites new and interested families to its Elementary Program Open House event on Monday, February 10 at Hoben Elementary School, 44680 Saltz Rd. in Canton, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Families will have the opportunity to learn more about the
PARC supporters want vote on project

PARC spokesperson Don Soenen addresses area residents at Plymouth’s Penn Theater Feb. 3, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Supporters of the proposed Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex (PARC) to be located at the site of Central Middle School in downtown Plymouth attended a second meeting Monday evening to regroup after
Canton library to close 2 days for renovations

Feb. 3, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Visitors to the Canton Public Library next Monday and Tuesday may find the doors closed while some demolition work is going on inside. The two-day closure is expected to begin a major renovation project at the library, but is the only closure anticipated as
Attention Plymouth-Canton area readers

Feb. 2, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE. ATTENTION PLYMOUTH-CANTON AREA READERS Don’t miss what’s happening in your local area — get all the inside, up-to date stories you won’t find in other local publications or websites– delivered directly to your home every Friday. Call now to subscribe to home
Chill Out with Great Pure Michigan Winter Fun

Feb. 1, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE. A PURE MICHIGAN WINTER BEGINS WITH YOU Downtown Kalamazoo Restaurant Week January 27 – February 2 Kalamazoo Michigan Ice Fest January 30 – February 2 Munising Ice Breaker Festival January 31 – February 2 South Haven International 500 Snowmobile Race February 1 Sault
Local editors terminated after AOL sells Patch

Listen as AOL Chief Operating Officer, Leigh Zarelli Lewis fires the majority of PATCH editors with a one-minute telephone call. Jan, 31, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE. UPDATED Most of the PATCH journalist from it’s over 900 local sites were terminated this Wednesday, just two weeks after AOL turned
Community Calendar

Jan. 31, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE. PLYMOUTH CITY NOTICES THE 2014 MARCH BOARD OF REVIEW will convene in the City Commission Conference Room, 201 South Main Street, Plymouth. The board gives the taxpayer the opportunity to appeal their 2014 notice of assessment, taxable valuation and property classification. The deadline for
Plymouth posts hiring notice for firefighters

Jan. 30, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Township officials have a posted public notice to hire firefighters after receiving a 2-year federal grant of more than $1.3 million to Plymouth Township to fund basic fire and medical safety for residents. Starting annual base wage is $38,230.29. Officials say they will increase current