Recall petition language “not clear” says panel

Sept. 11, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News By: Don Howard Staff Writer First Round Recall petition language “not clear” says panel Not surprisingly, a Wayne County Elections Commission panel denied the first submission of petition language this week to recall four Plymouth Township officials from office.
Canton OK’s public safety millage

Two new ambulance rigs sit in front of Canton Township Fire Station in 2013 TSept. 9, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News In Canton, voters gave the board of trustees the authority to raise public safety taxes without voter approval several years ago Canton Township officials unanimously
Looming recall cause township officials to delay amphitheater

Sept. 9, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Despite the denials of Plymouth Township Supervisor Richard Reaume, the recall effort by a group of community activists is apparently having an effect on his position regarding the controversial plan for a $2 million amphitheater and pavilion recreation plan in the township.
Drug suspect dies after hearing

Sept. 7, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News The Dearborn man arrested last November for possession with intent to deliver cocaine at a downtown Plymouth restaurant and bar died five days after his court hearing July 9 before Wayne County Circuit Court Judge David A. Groner. Bryce M. Koth,
Bosch expansion may bring 200 jobs to area

Gov. Rick Snyder and officials from Wayne County and Plymouth Township were on hand for the groundbreaking of the Bosch Corp. expansion last week. Sept. 5, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News By: Don Howard Staff Writer Executives from Robert Bosch Corp. Plymouth Technical Center announced a
Annual Plymouth Fall Festival begins tomorrow

Sep. 4, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. A complete guide to the Fall Festival events is included with this week’s edition of The Eagle Starting Friday 75,000 people will converge on Plymouth to enjoy the 59th Annual Fall Festival. Main Street and surrounding streets will be lined with booths from local
Northville prepares new master plan for future of city

A branch of the Rouge River behind Northville’s Parmenter Cider Mill Sep. 3, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Northville Township and the City of Novi have about 45 days left to comment on a draft of a new City of Northville master plan. Members of the Northville
New App empowers consumers with awareness

Sep. 2, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News There’s a free app shoppers can download via iTunes that will allow them to support or not support a company based on political giving information. The app’s name: BuyPartisan. The new app is making news across the country, causing a stir with
Board refuses to delay amphitheater

Eco-sensitive site of new amphitheater in Plymouth Township Park, surface damaged-bearing numerous holes after drilling rig breached the property in July. Scheduled construction and required grade changes will likely further alter water run-off. Plymouth Township officials ordered the core samples in the protected area, a sub-watershed of the Lower Rouge
Happy Labor Day

Sep. 1, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Things to do on Labor Day The Detroit Jazz Festival. Held in Hart Plaza to Campus Martius Park in Downtown Detroit, the free event features four stages and continuous entertainment. Hamtramck Labor Day Festival is all about all things