August 2020
Get ready for fall in Pure Michigan

Aug. 28, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Check out these fall vacation activities and make your travel plans to enjoy Pure Michigan. Health is a top priority, and people should know that the tourism industry in Michigan is taking safety seriously. Look for the Pure Michigan Pledge, a promise to
Firefighter Training Academy graduates 18 students

Aug. 26, 2020 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News The Northville City Fire Department opened a Firefighter Training Academy last November and 18 students graduated from the Academy in July. All graduates became qualified to seek Firefighter I and II certification through the State of Michigan. One of those
29-year veteran of Canton Township Police Department retires

Aug. 24, 2020 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Lieutenant James Harrison has retired from the Canton Township Police Department after a 29-year career with the law enforcement agency. Harrison, or “Turtle” as he’s affectionately known around the department, was hired as a police officer in 1991; he was
New President of Schoolcraft College on the job

Aug. 23, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Former college Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Dr. Glenn Cerny officially assumed the role of President of Schoolcraft College on August 1, succeeding retiring Dr. Conway A. Jeffress. The Livonia-based public community college’s Board of Trustees unanimously voted Dr. Cerny
Area mourns death of Mary Menard

Aug. 20, 2020 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Mary Menard, 72, beloved wife of well-known Plymouth builder Walter Menard, died suddenly Wednesday as a result of a stroke suffered Monday evening while dining with friends. Visitation has been set Sunday, August 23 from 3 to 8 p.m. Monday, August
Skydive to save lives

Aug. 20, 2020 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Rotary Club members take a 14,000-foot leap of faith to eradicate polio They took a leap of faith last Saturday when several members of both the Plymouth Noon and Wayne Rotary clubs jumped out of a plane at 14,000 feet. The
New Heritage Park playground equipment reopens to public

Aug. 19, 2020 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Canton Township recently celebrated the grand re-opening of the playscape at the North Pavilion of Heritage Park. Canton Supervisor Pat Williams and members of the Canton Board of Trustees were on hand for the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the recently remodeled playground,
Story-telling Mayor visits summers past

Aug. 14, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Dear Northvillians Mayor Brian Turnbull, like his late father, likes to tell stories and reminisce about the history of Northville. This week, in one of Turnbull’s frequent and whimsical epistle-like newsletters, he takes his readers on a brief journey looking at
Road improvements continue throughout Plymouth

Aug. 11, 2020 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News City of Plymouth officials are celebrating nearly 30 years of continuous street and infrastructure improvements marked most recently by the Main Street project through downtown. The latest improvements were funded by the 2019 Street Improvement Bond approved by voters last November.
Veteran police office retires

Aug. 11, 2020 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Northville Police Capt. Dustin Krueger worked his last day in nearly 27 years at the department on Friday, July 21. An informal party for staff members and friends helped him celebrate his retirement under the awning of the police department entrance.