Veteran police office retires

Aug. 11, 2020 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Northville Police Capt. Dustin Krueger worked his last day in nearly 27 years at the department on Friday, July 21. An informal party for staff members and friends helped him celebrate his retirement under the awning of the police department entrance. Krueger’s wife, Claudia, who was on the Northville police force for 11 years, and former Police Chiefs Mike Carlson and Jim Petres were among the guests.
Police Chief Alan Maciag commended Krueger for his service, his contributions to the department, and for his work with the people of Northville. He thanked him for staying beyond his planned retirement in April due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2018, Krueger served as interim police chief from July to December and was named “Police Officer of the Year” by his peers. Sgt. Greg Hannewald was promoted to captain following Krueger’s retirement.
Krueger received official proclamations from Wayne County Commissioner Terry Marecki and State Rep. Matthew Koleszar.
Krueger said he was humbled by the attention and had mixed feelings about leaving, knowing he would miss the job and the people he interacted with. He said, “I’m not who I am because I’m a police officer. I’m a police officer because of who I am.”
Krueger was a trainer in the department both for officers and for staff safety measures. It was common for Krueger to visit staff offices and leave behind some mini candy bars. True to form, after his departure, staff found small bags of candy on their desks.
Plymouth Voice.