This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Plymouth Voice

Apr. 12, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Plymouth Voice.
It was 2011 when we first designed our website and commenced publishing local news in co-operation with Associated Newspapers of Michigan.
Focused on readers in Plymouth, Northville and Canton, Michigan, our goal was and is today to target newsy, interesting, often surprising stories, investigative reports, editorials – timely stories and reports other newspapers and websites often overlook, avoid or are afraid to print. We promised to publish unbiased news exposing the truth-the sometimes ugly, sometimes funny and often shocking real story behind public figures and public images.
We named our website, “The Real Story.”
2011 was an exceptional year for news, not just local news but international news from revolutions to riots, deaths and disasters.
Among the top stories in 2011:
Massive earthquakes hit northeast Japan, unleashing a 10-meter tsunami
U.S. Forces kill al-Qaida leader, Osama bin Laden
Muammar Gaddafi is killed by rebels
English riots hit their peak in London
Arizona shooting leaves six dead and 13 injured
Fidel Castro resigns from the Communist Party of Cuba
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs dies at age 56
Death is announced of the North Korean leader, Kim Jon-il
At least 300 people killed in the deadliest tornado outbreak in the Southern U.S.
Among the top local stories about Plymouth we found significant and reported in 2011:
Judge upholds fire millage petitions
Protesters demand fire millage vote
Board reduces qualifications for firefighters
Board hikes ballot question to 10 mills
Citizen group proves “You can fight city hall”
Actions of Plymouth board remain puzzling
Citizens group sues Plymouth Township
Judge rules against fire petition drive
Times have drastically changed in the past decade. In 2020, the year got off to a promising start with a booming economy generating strong demand for IT products and services, but the pandemic struck and an unsettled nation found itself in the midst of widespread protest against so-called racial injustice.
It’s been a year since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, which claimed millions of lives, changed the ways in which each of us relates to and navigates the world.
Lock-downs, social distancing, wearing masks, closing businesses, layoffs, job insecurity, working from home, and living in fear has dealt a unforgettably terrible blow and devastated peace and harmony between people – threatening our democracy and freedom from violence.
Big media has also changed in its rationale and philosophy for news reporting and politics. Layoffs have hit hard. And, the struggling newspaper industry is no exception. Small local papers close with regularity, and larger companies merge with other large media companies. The mergers are often followed by drastic cost-cutting measures and news coverage and reporting suffers.
We haven’t changed. We’re still here.
We hope you will continue to read Plymouth Voice and enjoy the unequaled local news archive by indexing the thousands of published stories, all at no cost to you.
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Plymouth Voice.