Supervisor files language to recall 3 trustees

Nov. 2, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
“This is a malicious attempt to confuse and frustrate the citizens. I have the moral political courage to do the right thing.”
Each of the members of the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees is now facing a recall effort.
Supervisor Richard Reaume, who faces recall from a grass-roots activist group, has filed recall petitions with the Wayne County Elections Commission against trustees Bob Doroshewitz, Chuck Curmi and Mike Kelly.
Reaume filed the petition language Oct. 17 with the office of Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett.
Along with Reaume, Township Treasurer Ron Edwards, Clerk Nancy Conzelman and Trustee Kay Arnold face recall action by the citizens’ group. While Reaume has conceded that language against him is clear, the other three are appealing the decision of the elections commission to approve ballot language against them. A hearing on that matter is slated for Nov. 6.
“Reaume was elected to be the leader and the role of the leader is to unite the board, not to continue to divide it. By taking this action, he signaled that he has thrown in the towel and given up any hope that he will be able to lead. Sad for the people of Plymouth Township,” said Doroshewitz about Reaume’s action.
A review of voting records at township meetings shows a clear division in voting on issues, with Doroshewitz, Kelly and Curmi voting on one side of issues while Reaume, Edwards, Conzelman and Arnold take the majority position on most others.
The basis for Reaume’s proposed recall against Curmi is his vote to approve a motion by Edwards to disallow any inter-governmental agreement with the City of Plymouth for another two years. The basis for cited for the recall of Doroshewitz is a threat by the trustee to sue the township. “This is a malicious attempt to confuse and frustrate the citizens. I have the moral political courage to do the right thing,” Curmi said. He said that Reaume’s action made the entire board look “silly.”
If the language Reaume has submitted for the recall is approved, he and any support- ers of the effort would have 60 days to gather 4,200 signatures on petitions seeking a recall election. In that election, the three would have to be elected by a majority of voters to serve against opponents, presumably from the Democratic Party. All of the elected officials involved in the recalls were elected as Republicans.
Kelly did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Plymouth Voice.