Plymouth officials push through $1.9 million bond with surprise agenda

Apr. 24, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
No end in sight to spending spree
Plymouth Township officials approved a $1.9 million capital improvement bond during a special board of trustees meeting this week. The improvements will be financed over 12 years with the bond.
The plan that was revealed to the public and certain board trustees for the first time Tuesday consisted of commercial renderings and a list of capital improvement projects that outlined their extravagant proposal.
Included were improvements for the township‘s park and municipal golf course.
Listed along with other capital items is a $625,000 park pavilion-comfort station, $250,000 amphitheater, $440,000 for two parking lots, $130,000 footbridge, golf cart pathways and improvements to the Lake Pointe soccer park.
Township officials said part of the cost of the park pavilion will be offset by private company donations and a federal grant paid through the State.
The resolution to approve the bond passed by a vote of 5 to 2 after a heated and long 90-minute debate. The two dissenting votes we cast by trustees Bob Doroshewitz and Chuck Curmi who characterized the bond proposal spending as senseless and unnecessary.
At the last meeting Plymouth Township board meeting, trustees approved a $784,000 bid to extend 1.25 miles of the Ann Arbor Road streetscape.
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