PARC to close until further notice

Mar. 23, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
The Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex (PARC), in compliance with Gov. Whitmer’s latest executive order regarding COVID-19 mandating, “all individuals currently living within the State of Michigan stay at home or at their place of residence,” and “prohibiting all public and private gatherings of any number of people occurring among persons not part of a single household” annunced it will close it’s operations today at 4:00 p.m. until further notice according to a news release.
PARC officials said there is no choice but to shut down as the order has the “Force and effect of law.”
“Therefore PARC Board of Directors are closing the entire building to the public, as well as PARC staff, tenants, their employees, clients, family members and volunteers,” the release said.
For more updates follow PARC Facebook page at
Plymouth Voice.