Lighted Parade in Northville

Nov. 16, 2017 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
The annual Holiday Lighted Parade in Northville is set for 6:30 p.m. tomorrow, Friday, Nov. 17. The theme this year is the Island of Misfits. Parade highlights include the appearance of the Northville High School Marching Band, floats adorned with festive lighting, marchers decked out in holiday gear, a fully lit fire Engine and the appearance of everyone’s favorite jolly elf, Santa Claus. Bring the whole family to Town Square to enjoy hot chocolate and take a family photo with holiday characters before and after the parade, compliments of the local churches; Northville Christian Assemble, Hilltop Church and First Baptist Church of Northville.
The parade begins on Cady Street, behind the Community Center and will head north on Wing Street to Main, west on Main to Linden, north on Linden to Dunlap, east on Dunlap to Hutton, Hutton south to Main, west on Main to Center , south on Center to Cady, west on Cady to return to the Community Center.
Following the parade, head over to Northville Town Square for the official community sing along, led by Tina Genitti. Mayor Ken Roth and Citizen of the Year, Chuck Lapham will greet Santa and officially light the Town Square tree.
The Holiday Lighted Parade is sponsored by Tom Holzer Ford. For more information on the Northville Holiday Parade, contact the Chamber of Commerce, or call (248) 349-7640.
Plymouth Voice.