Township board disputes fire chief’s report

WATCH VIDEO…FIRE CHIEF WAS SUBJECTED TO NEARLY CONSTANT INTERRUPTIONS AND QUESTIONS FROM TRUSTEES Oct. 25, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Fire Department has no way to battle fires of more than one story or perform rescue work above ground level. Fire Chief mark Wendel surprised some members of
Detroit files to reopen suit to reclaim DeHoCo land

Kevyn Orr, Detroit Emergency Manager Oct. 21, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. A request for hearing to re-open a City of Detroit lawsuit, closed in August after the city bankruptcy, was filed this week in Wayne County Circuit Court. The City of Detroit has requested a hearing
Halloween Happenings

Oct. 19, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Don’t miss HALLOWEEN HAPPENINGS event guide in this weeks edition of THE EAGLE Ghosts, goblins and even some ghouls are out and about throughout the area in celebration of Halloween. In Northville, Plymouth and Wayne scarecrows and skeletons have taken over the streets
Michigan’s Peak Fall Color Report

Oct. 18, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. October 17-23, 2013 Fall’s annual color show across much of the Upper Peninsula is now past peak; however, there are still some good viewing opportunities near St. Ignace and the eastern UP. Fall color is beginning to quicken its spread across Michigan’s Northwest
Vehicle thefts in township leave residents and neighbors uneasy

Oct. 16, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE – UPDATED One suspect apprehended. Plymouth Township Police said detectives arrested one suspect early today in the Bradbury condominium subdivision after an attempted vehicle larceny, relative to those incidents reported by At approximately 4:00 a.m. two suspects were interrupted in the process
Commissioners ready to set township officials’ pay

Oct. 15, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Pay for Performance? “Currently the annual salary for the township supervisor is $101,998 and the treasurer and clerk are paid $94,668 each.” When the Plymouth Township Compensation Commission met last week, their goal was to agree on how much the elected township
This fall take advantage of beautiful Maybury

Oct. 15, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Located in Northville, the small but unique Maybury State Park offers approximately 1,000 acres of rolling terrain, open meadows, mature forests, a small lake, fishing pond, small streams, a variety of wildlife, and abundant wildflowers. Activities include hiking and walking, cross country skiing, snowshoeing,
Inaugural run honors memory of past emergency first responders

Oct. 13, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano will lead the official dedication ceremony for the First Responders Memorial this Thursday, Oct. 17, at 1 p.m. at Hines Drive and Haggerty Road in Plymouth Township. Heroes on Hines A rainy start didn’t slow down or
Township suspends 3 police officers after dragnet

Oct. 12, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. “…allegedly the officer with whom DeFrain was romantically involved.” A lawsuit alleging civil rights violations filed by a Plymouth Township police officer resulted in the suspension of her supervisor and two other officers last week. Brittany DeFrain, 24, sued the township after her
Retiring library director honored at reception

Oct. 10, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Pat Thomas celebrated 34 years at the helm of the Plymouth District Library during a retirement reception honoring her last month. The event was attended by members of the library board of trustees, the Friends of the Plymouth District Library, supporters and fellow employees.