Cabin fever remedies

Mar. 2, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Now that spring is just around the corner, we have a line-up of fun, educational – and even taste-teasing ways – to get out and about to see, explore, savor or just have fun. So, forget clipping coupons, signing up for daily specials and waiting for the right
The long brutal winter continues

Mar. 2, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Arctic high pressure will build into the region today, bringing more bitterly cold air to the region. A weak cold front will pass through the state on Tuesday and will provide a chance for some light snow. Another arctic high pressure system will build
Shoddy report is a disgrace

Feb. 27, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. OPINION “If Reaume didn’t know or only found out later, the terms that spring immediately to mind are mismanagement and malfeasance” What did he know and when did he know it? Plymouth Township, again, is the subject of a great deal of
Senator helps residents with property tax appeals

Feb. 26, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE. If you believe your assessment is in error, you may appeal to your local Board of Review and if necessary the Michigan Tax Tribunal Tax Assessments notices have been mailed to Plymouth area residents. State Senator Patrick Colbeck, has recently mailed out a
Plymouth trustees OK new senior living complex

Feb. 24, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Area formerly occupied by Wycoff Steel was at one time reportedly contaminated Members of the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees have given preliminary approval to a planned adult nursing and senior living center off Ann Arbor Road. Stefan Stration, president of Pomeroy Living,
Court hearing on DeHoCo property set for next month

Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr Feb. 24, 2014 PLYMOUTH VOICE. MEET THE PLAYERS The legal battle regarding the land erroneously sold to Plymouth Township in a Wayne County foreclosure sale is not over. The township paid $606,150 in 2011 for two parcels of land totaling 323 acres being foreclosed and
The public really does have a right to know

Feb. 20, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. OPINION “We think his philosophy would be a good one for some local officials and chiefs to at least consider.” Recent personnel events challenging management skills in Plymouth Township are a more common occurrence in municipalities than most of the public
Coffee With A Cop is a good plan

Feb. 20, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Canton Police Department has scheduled another Coffee with a Cop on Feb. 26 from 10:00 a.m. to noon at the Summit on the Park, located at 46000 Summit Parkway There are, we believe, only two kinds of ideas. Good ideas that work and
Response delay prompts change to radio system

Feb. 19, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Members of the Plymouth and Northville Fire Advisory Board met last week in a regular bi-monthly session to discuss fire department business. This was the first meeting of the members since a radio communications problem last November delayed response to a 911 call for
School district to ask voters for millage renewal

Feb. 19, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. The non-homestead millage does not apply to homes or owner-occupied residences… Voters in the Plymouth Canton School District will be asked to approve an 18-mill non-homestead millage during an August election. The non-homestead millage does not apply to homes or owner-occupied residences but