Teen accused of murder plot offered deal

Roksana Sikorsk and her then attorney Leslie Posner was escorted into the 35th District Courtroom for a preliminary exam by a Plymouth Township police officer last October. Photo by Don Howard. Jun. 5, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Prosecutors have offered a pleas deal to the 15-year old
Police presence prompts concern

Police officer stationed at door of Plymouth Township Board Meeting in April Jun. 5, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Several residents who attended the regular Plymouth Township Board of Trustees meeting last week were surprised at what they described as an “increased police presence”
Heroes -Northville responders honored for saving life

Northville Township Director of Public Safety John Werth, right, praised the heroic work of the team of first responders who saved Danielle Teper’s life. Fire Chief Richard Marinucci was also on hand during the award presentation. Photos by Don Howard Jun. 3, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News
Squabbling trustees OK $11 million waste contract

Jun 1, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News During a 3-1/2 hour meeting punctuated with heated arguments and raised voices, members of the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees last week created a new $60,000 parks position, awarded a seven-year, $11 million waste hauling contract and approved the addition of
Township recall group to end efforts next week

Sandy Groth one of the organizers of the Plymouth Township recall effort at a recent Board of Trustees Meeting. May 26, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News An announcement of the end of the recall effort against three Plymouth Township officials is expected next week. Sandy
Public funds for ‘invitation only’ party prompts questions

May 21, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer Letters sent to businesses in Plymouth Township earlier this month soliciting donations for the annual Fourth of July picnic, fireworks and private party have prompted questions from residents about the propriety of using township funds
Plymouth historical structures under fire

Starkweather School named after George Anson Starkweather whose first occupation was a schoolteacher. The classic revival building was build in 1927 for $125,00 and served as a grade school from 1927 to 1977. May 20, 2015 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News As a 67-year-old lifelong resident and lover
Celebrating Margaret Dunning 1910-2015

May 19, 2015 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News. WATCH VIDEO Philanthropist, businesswoman and respected resident Margaret Dunning died on Sunday while visiting Santa Barbara, California after suffering injuries in an accidental fall. She was 104. Dunning who lived on Penniman Ave for nearly nine decades was involved in
Township procedure in land decision appeal irks judge

Wayne County Circuit Court Chief Judge Robert Colombo, Jr. allowed one-week extension to Plymouth Township attorneys at hearing last week. May 15, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer Attorneys for Plymouth Township were in court again last week in an effort to appeal
School board agrees to proposed district boundary transfer

May 14, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News A second vote of the Northville Board of Education to allow Woodside Village to become part of the Northville Community Schools was approved by a 4-3 vote. The vote does not assure the transfer of students into the Northville district but