Township recall group to end efforts next week

Sandy Groth one of the organizers of the Plymouth Township recall effort at a recent Board of Trustees Meeting.
May 26, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
An announcement of the end of the recall effort against three Plymouth Township officials is expected next week.
Sandy Groth, one of the organizers of the recall effort, said that while the group was able to collect 15,000 signatures from residents in favor of the recall ballot question, they were not able to collect the signatures within the time allotted by election law.
“Unfortunately, we weren’t able to get the required number of signatures per candidate in any one 60-day period, but we knew going in we had an uphill battle,” she said.
The recall was aimed at Township Treasurer Ron Edwards, Township Clerk Nancy Conzelman and Trustee Kay Arnold. Former Supervisor Richard Reaume was also the target of the recall effort but resigned his office and moved to Florida before the signature deadline.
Groth said that she felt that the recall effort accomplished a great deal in the time the activists attempted to obtain the signatures. She said the group collected about 3,700 signatures per official.
“We stood together and refused to allow our elected officials to conquer and divide us,” she said. “We found common ground, things we believe in that we can continue to speak for and fight for,” she added.
Groth said she was very proud of the number of volunteers who put in so many hours collecting signatures, people who went out in inclement weather and were tireless in their efforts to “help change township government.”
Groth said the group, Plymouth Township United Citizens, will be changing focus and will be working on keeping residents informed about the 2016 elections. The group will maintain the PAC bank account and continue to use the funds they collected in efforts to educate voters about candidates and issues in the election next year.
“We haven’t gone away,” she said. “We need to focus on what we accomplished. We had the opportunity to educate citizens. That’s huge. It’s a really big accomplishment,” she said.
“We’re tired. But we’re not gone,” she added.
Plymouth Voice.