Northville Foundation parade welcomes pets, bikes

Jul. 2, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News When the Northville Community Foundation 4th of July Parade starts from the corner of Griswold and Main Street at 10 a.m. on Independence Day, entries will include the anticipated floats, characters, bands, classic and vintage cars, veterans groups and fire trucks
Investigation clears priest at St. Kenneth

Jul. 2, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News The Rev. Thomas Belczak has been cleared of allegations of improperly using parish funds following an investigation by the FBI. Belczak will return to his duties at St. Kenneth in Plymouth Township following a nine-month probe into the finances at the
State Rep blasts township VIP fireworks party

Jun. 30, 2015 PLYMOUTH VOICE Plymouth Michigan News LETTER TO THE EDITOR I hope this is the last year for the Plymouth Township “VIP Fireworks Party.” This event, which I will say I have been invited to and have attended in the past, has outlived its purpose and
Med Flight called to transport crash victim

Jun. 29, 2015 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News A 40-year-old man from Ferndale is expected to survive injuries he sustained last Wednesday night when the 1978 Triumph Spitfire convertible in which he was a passenger crashed in Northville Township. According to police reports of the incident, a 40-year-old Northville
Supervisor’s ex-aide is new township director

Jun. 26, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer The new Director of Parks and Grants in Plymouth Township claims to know little about the controversy surrounding what will be one of his main responsibilities. Mike Mitchell, who acted as legislative director for Township
Library construction continues

Jun. 24, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News The parking lot entrance of the Plymouth District Library is expected to reopen early next month. Library officials said the construction now under way will create a safer entry into the building. The steps will be replaced, a new handicap ramp
Parking lot may threaten rare fish species

Construction area in Plymouth Township’s McClumpha Park Jun. 22, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News “I certainly hope they will consider building swales or other stormwater control devices to filter pollutants out of the water before it goes into the river.” Don Howard Staff Writer Local environmentalists are
$150 million project planned in Northville

Robert Nix, Northville Township Supervisor Jun. 15, 2015 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Northville Township has received a tremendous return on the $1 the community invested in the purchase of the former Robert Scott Correctional Facility land at Five Mile and Beck Road. While no purchase price has
Resident trash surveys due by June 12

Jun. 8, 2015 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News According to a Plymouth Township Newsletter/Survey mailed to 8600 households this week township officials are inquiring resident’s choices before they make their final decision on the details of a new seven-year solid waste trash-hauling contract that will cost taxpayers approximately $10,836,000.
Joint Northville/Plymouth recreation area proposed

Northville Township Manager Chip Snider, State Rep. Kurt Heise, John Adamo Jr., CEO Adamo Group with Northville Township Supervisor Robert Nix at Scott Prison clean-up 2013. Jun. 7, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer Elected officials from the City of Northville, Northville