Blood Drive this week-Need is critical

Mar. 21, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
This weeks Blood Drive has been expanded. In addtion to the Hilton Garden Inn location Red Cross personnel will be at:
HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS, 15100 Beck Rd. in Plymouth Township,
Wednesday Mar. 25 from 11:00 a.m to 4;45 p.m.
The American Red Cross says need for blood is now critical considering the COVID-19 Virus.
The Plymouth Red Cross Blood Drive originally scheduled for this week at City Hall has been moved to the HILTON GARDEN INN, 14600 N. Sheldon Rd in Plymouth Township.
Wednesday, Mar. 25 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, Mar. 26 from 10.00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Please schedule an appointment on-line at (sponsor code hiltongardenply) or call Diane at 313-549-7052
Red Cross officials say blood donation is a safe process and people should not hesitate to give and received blood. Red Cross employees follow thorough extensive safety protocols.
In addition to our standard procedures, donors will notice the following changes at the local blood drive locations.
Increased Educational Materials
- Donor educational materials on COVID-19.
- Stop sign at entrances to avert ineligible donors from presenting.
Pre-Donation Donor Temperature Screening
- All donors will be asked to have their temperature taken before being permitted into the blood drive.
- If a donor has a temperature greater than 99.5°F they will be asked to come back to donate when they are healthy and will be asked to leave the drive.
Enhanced Disinfecting
- Hand sanitizer will be available at check-in, health history and refreshment areas.
- Blood donors will be asked to use hand sanitizer prior to using tablets and laptops.
- Donor beds will be sanitized between each and every donor.
Social Distancing
- Implementation of separated drive set up to allow as much distance as possible between donors.
Staff Wellness and Protection
- All staff members will have a temperature check before presenting to work, and they’ve been asked not to come to work if they are feeling sick.
- Staff will wear gloves throughout entire blood drive, changing gloves between each and every donor.
Blood Donor Deferrals
Individuals are asked to postpone their donation for 28 days following:
- Travel to China and its special administrative regions, Hong Kong and Macau, Iran, Italy and South Korea.
- Diagnosis of COVID-19, contact with a person who has or suspected to have the virus.
Ongoing Efforts
- The Red Cross is focused on coronavirus safety measures, we will continue to work with health agencies and partners to evaluate all emerging risks to ensure safety and availability of the U.S. blood supply for patients in need.
Plymouth Voice.