The pros and cons of ordering food

Mar. 19, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Don Howard
Staff Writer
Speaking of the coronavirus outbreak, doctors are saying ordering food is generally safer than going to a grocery store or restaurant, because you come in contact with fewer people.
The experts claim the bigger risk from ordering food is catching the virus from an infected delivery person – if he or she should cough or sneeze on you. They say ordering food is generally safer. Their advice is to avoid close contact with the delivery person, throw away the packaging and wash your hands before touching the food.
According to recent study by the New England Journal of Medicine outlined by the Wall Street Journal this week, the virus that causes Covid-19 can live on cardboard for up to 24 hours and on hard surfaces, such as stainless steel and plastic for two to three days.
“The virus can remain viable and infectious on a surface like cardboard and it can do so for quite a large number of hours,” reported James Lloyd-Smith, PhD in UCLA’s department of ecology and evolutionary biology.
The professor says if you’re touching things that are coming from the outside world and someone else has recently handled them, be aware they could be contaminated.
One man interviewed by WSJ says the virus could be on any surface-bags, cartons, and receipts. “You have the cooks preparing the food, the staff handling the food, the delivery drivers car who may also be doing ride-sharing. There are too many touch-points.”
The chief of the division of infectious disease at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston is not as concerned. Daniel Kuritzkes was quoted as saying, “The risk of getting infected from food delivery is pretty low, but not zero.” He says customers can wipe packages or boxes with disinfectant wipes before handling them, or use disposable kitchen gloves.
“You’re unlikely to get infected that way, but I can’t say it’s impossible,” Kuritzkes said.
The experts also recommend that you pay ahead of time with a credit card and include the tip to avoid changing money.
Many Plymouth area restaurant owners are open with limited hours and staff hoping customers will continue to support them and take advantage of their take-out service during this difficult period as everyone copes with the Coronavirus. One creative business, Karl’s Cabin on Gotfredson Rd., has one set meal (dinner) a day for carryout: people can call and reserve the meal then go pick it up and the staff brings it to their car.
Officials from Plymouth’s Downtown Development Authority are suggesting customers purchase a gift card from an individual business as a way to show support for the local establishments.
Plymouth Voice.