Richard Reaume
Record breaking 5-hour board meeting leaves residents upset, still no answers

Aug. 5, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Residents protest plan for golf course project “It appears there’s a rush to do something; it’s the appearance of impropriety,” Township Resident. Several residents of Woodlore North subdivision attended the meeting of the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees last week to reiterate their
Firefighter warns board: aging equipment will fail

Plymouth Township Fire Engine E-2 with utility vehicle in 2012 Jun. 7, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. The Plymouth Township Police Department will soon be adding two new Ford police interceptor vehicles to their fleet. Township officials approved the $69,232 purchase at the regular board of trustees meeting last
Plymouth Township officials absent from Wayne County ground-breaking ceremony

May 17, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. OPINION Wayne County officials invited civic leaders, media representatives, police officers, firefighters and other guests help to break ground on the new First Responders Memorial in Plymouth Township this week. The site of the memorial, a pleasant 1.5-acre grassy knoll at Hines Drive
Lawsuit: City of Detroit v Charter Township of Plymouth

Defendant, Raymond Wojtowicz- Wayne County Treasurer May 9, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. UPDATED – FULL STORY Defendant: Charter Township of Plymouth Defendant: Wayne County Defendant: Wojtowicz, as Wayne County Treasurer, Raymond J. Plaintiff: City of Detroit The City of Detroit has filed a lawsuit in
Detroit sues Plymouth Township after bungled $600,000 land purchase

Kenneth Cockrel, Jr., Chairperson, Detroit City Council – Budget, Finance and Audit Standing Committee, reviewing Plymouth’s land purchase in 2012. May 2, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Incompetence or willful maneuver; courts will decide outcome According to court documents, the City of Detroit has filed suit in the Wayne
Trustees finally stand-up to township bully

May 2, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. OPINION It appears that the voices of reason may have finally been raised at the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees. Last week, during a “special” meeting, when a $1,9000.000 bond issue was being discussed, two trustees finally appeared to realize that perhaps the
Lie of the Week!

Richard Reaume (left), accepts $30,000 gift donation from Robert Bosch Corporation executives, along with trustees, (L to R) Steve Mann (not visible), Mike Kelly, and Kay Arnold (right), July 2012. Apr. 30, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. “I (really) don’t remember that kind of numbers.” Richard Reaume, Plymouth Township Supervisor,
Arrogance and political vengeance

Apr. 25, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Opinion Last week, three area public safety departments agreed that their continued help in Plymouth Township might be doing more harm than good. The leaders of the three fire departments in Northville and Canton townships and the City of Livonia collectively agreed that
Now, I’m really starting to get annoyed

EDITORIAL By: Susan Willett, Publisher Associated Newspapers of Michigan Well butter my bus and call me a biscuit, but I was as surprised as the members of the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees recently. During the regular meeting of that esteemed body, one of their own members, Chuck Curmi,
Land dispute prompts trustee questions

Mar. 26, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. “The supervisor is the chief assessment officer of the township” (Pictured above, Richard Reaume, Plymouth Township Supervisor) A four-hour meeting of the township clerk, treasurer, supervisor and city attorney took place last Thursday, apparently prompted by questions asked during the regular meeting of the Plymouth