Northville Public Schools
Community lauds achievements of retiring school superintendent

Apr. 28, 2022 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News There was no question as to the guest of honor at the recent State of the Community meeting in Northville. During the event, retiring Northville Public Schools Superintendent Mary Kay Gallagher was honored for her 38 years of dedication to education.
School emergency radio system is upgraded

Dec. 7, 2021 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News An upgrade of emergency radio equipment has ensured that Northville students are safer in their classrooms. The upgrades, a partnership between the Northville Public Schools and the Northville Township Fire Department, were installed in seven Northville school buildings. The upgrades improved
Northville Non-Homestead Millage Renewal Proposal OK’d

May 6, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Voters in Northville approved a non-homestead operating mileage for Northville Public Schools in the May 4 Election. Yes 78.9 % 5,683 No 21.1% 1,518 The current operating millage reportedly generates about $10 million annually for Northville schools, representing 16 percent of
Here’s the scoop on Tuesdays’ Primary

Mar. 7, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Here’s the scoop on Tuesdays’ Presidential Primary Election. There is no political party registration requirement and any Michigan registered voter can participate in the presidential primary. At the polling place and on the absentee ballot application, voters will be asked to
School district informational meetings continue

Jan. 30, 2020 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Property owners in the Northville Public Schools district will be asked to approve a new Sinking Fund millage on the March 10 ballot. Voters will be asked to extend the current .9519-mill levy from 2021 to 2025 and provide for broader
Northville High School teacher arrested

Jan. 28, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Northville Public Schools Superintendent Mary Kay Gallagher issued the following letter to parents this morning after an unidentified male high school teacher was arrested and placed on administrative leave. Gallagher said the man could be arraigned in the next few day and
Northville schools plan annual ‘Parent Camp’

There will also be a session on vaping and opioid abuse – unfortunate realities in our world today.
Northville Schools now accepting kindergarten enrollment

Feb. 17, 2019 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Parents with children who will be 5 years of age on or before Sept. 1, 2019, can access the 2019-20 Enrollment page on the district website to schedule an appointment with a member of the office of student data. Staff members
Demolition of school meets city opposition

Northville Public Schools Director Mary Kay Gallagher Oct. 18, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Plans to demolish Main Street School in downtown Northville and construct four or five luxury homes went awry during the regular city council meeting Oct. 1. The Northville Public Schools board
School bond sale is “well received”

Northville Public School Superintendent Mary Kay Gallagher Mar. 22, 2018 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Members of the Northville Public Schools Board of Education of Northville are more than pleased with the sale of the 2018 building and site bonds approved by voters last year. The