News Plymouth Michigan
Happy Thanksgiving from the staff of the Plymouth Voice

Nov. 23 2017 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News THANKSGIVING DAY, 1986 — “Today let us take heart from the noble example of our first President. . . . And let us ever be mindful of the faith and spiritual values that have made our Nation great and that alone
Community Bulletin Board

Oct. 31, 2017 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Voting Guide Available The League of Women Voters of Northwest Wayne County is offering assistance to residents who will be voting Nov. 7. There are elections in almost all Michigan cities this November. The league is offering an on-line voter
Police departments seek help

Sep. 28, 2015 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Township News Township Police seek help in identifying human remains Plymouth Township Police along with Crime Stoppers are seeking public assistance to identify human remains found on Haggerty Road south of Schoolcraft-fifteen years ago. Crime Stoppers has posted a $2,500 reward. Police
Plymouth City Commission Meeting

2015 City Commission Goals: Secure funding via voter approved Public Safety Millage in February to hire additional police for downtown bar/restaurant patrol, thus freeing up current officers for increased neighborhood patrols. Expand Public Parking in the DDA. Work collaboratively with the DDA, Planning Commission and Historical Commission to finalize
Question of no-bid contracts raised by trustee

Plymouth Township Trustee Bob Doroshewitz May 4, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer New Plymouth Township Supervisor Shannon Price, officially sworn into office for a second time last week just prior to his first official board meeting Tuesday, has already made some changes
Canton water rates to increase by 8.6 percent

Canton Township Supervisor Phil LaJoy Apr. 28, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Water rates in Canton Township will increase by 8.6 percent following approval of the new rate by members of the board of trustees last week. The new rate could increase typical homeowners’ quarterly bills from
Downtown Plymouth summer concert series set

Apr. 26, 2015 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News WATCH VIDEO Plymouth DDA has announced the 2015 Music in the Air-Downtown Plymouth Summer Concert Series with the first concert set for May 29 when Julianne Ankley performs on the Kellogg Park stage. The very popular concerts are held on
Builder to replace faulty concrete at pavilion

Snow storm and cold 39-degree temperature didn’t stop township contractor from re-pouring pavilion floor last Wednesday morning. PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News New Plymouth Township Supervisor Shannon Price has responded quickly to the concerns of some residents with property bordering McClumpha Park. The neighboring property owners, many with several
Making it official

Apr. 23, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News New township firefight ers Doug Pickert, Ean Culver and Chris Smith are sworn-in by Plymouth Township Clerk Nancy Conzelman at a recent township board meeting while Fire Chief Dan Phillips looks on. The three full-time firefighters graduated after completing departmental training and