News Plymouth Michigan
Land dispute prompts trustee questions

Mar. 26, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. “The supervisor is the chief assessment officer of the township” (Pictured above, Richard Reaume, Plymouth Township Supervisor) A four-hour meeting of the township clerk, treasurer, supervisor and city attorney took place last Thursday, apparently prompted by questions asked during the regular meeting of the Plymouth
Think Spring – Pure Michigan; Ann Arbor is alive

Mar. 24, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Arts, Culture, Music: Ann Arbor This summer, A2 becomes A3 — Ann Arbor + Arts Technically, the Ann Arbor Art Fair is four fairs, but whatever the numbers, it adds up to one mind-blowing artistic voyage this July 18-21. The original Ann Arbor Street Art
Lie of the week!

Mar. 20, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. During an irritable discussion regarding accounting for past expenses and receipts from Plymouth Township’s annual picnic and fireworks, Treasurer Ron Edwards responding to Joe Bridgman, former Township Clerk, during his impromptu appearance at the March 12, 2013 Board of Trustee meeting: “Everything that is
Land transaction raises many questions

Mar. 19, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Opinion Too good to be true If it sounds too good to be true…it probably is. That may be the lesson officials in Plymouth Township are internalizing as they realize the great “deal” they authorized for the purchase of 323 acres
Community Bulletin Board

Mar. 19, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. SPAGHETTI DINNER FOR SHERRYL LEEDY-70TH BIRTHDAY-CELEBRATION OF LIFE BENEFIT Sherryl Leedy is the mother of Trish Bridges of Plymouth City Hall When: Saturday, March 23rd Open House from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Where: At the DISC 14900 Ford Rd, Dearborn, MI 48126
Plymouth water problems persist

Mar. 15, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Canton water rates stay level while Plymouth struggles Despite a 9-percent increase in the cost of water from the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, the staff of Canton Township Municipal Services and Finance and Budget Departments are recommending no overall increase in the
Hospital patient transport becomes profit center for two communities

Mar. 6, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. The merger of the Wayne and Westland fire departments seems to be proving profitable for both communities. During a recent meeting of the Wayne City Council, Fire Chief Michael Reddy reported an increase in revenue from the department, based, he said, on the two rescue
Having fire safety plan more important now

Feb. 18, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. OPINION Create a fire safety plan and practice it with your family In 2012 Plymouth Township officials made consequential changes in the Plymouth Community Fire Department. Understanding the new risks and having a fire safety plan is more important now than ever before.
“Feds to launch investigation into Detroit EMS” Fox 2 News

Feb. 7, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. WATCH VIDEO Emergency response times are critical in all communities. Emergency response times are critical in all communities but Detroit’s broken system has reached the critical stage and residents and media people say it’s getting even worse. When people needlessly die because there are
Good Samaritans, volunteers relocate wandering swans

Jan. 30, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. They made quite a sight as they waddled across busy roads and expressways without a thought to the danger they presented to themselves and unsuspecting motorists who had to stop for, or swerve around, them. ‘They’ are a pair of large, immature trumpeter swans