Bob Doroshewitz
Plymouth Township election roundup

State Rep. and Plymouth Township Supervisor elect Kurt Heise’s farewell address. Nov. 9, 2017 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News WATCH VIDEO Resident’s voters that swept clean the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees after a bruising August primary once again showed up in-force on Tuesday to reaffirm
Exit could be ‘cash cow’ for officials

Oct. 8, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer If Plymouth Township Treasurer Ron Edwards has his way, he and other officials defeated in the Aug. 2 primary will walk away with a very attractive retirement settlement Nov. 20. During the regular meeting
Voters need to take responsibility

Jul. 28, 2016 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News OPINION As entrenched Plymouth Township incumbents dig in for survival, their preposterous claims of fiscal responsibility, public safety, and community service continue to choke township mailboxes as we count down to the primary election next Tuesday, Aug. 2. The
Plymouth Concerned Citizens Meeting
“Meet the Candidate” special meetings provide an opportunity to get to know the candidates and present questions and concerns.
Board OKs contract for fireworks display

Apr. 23, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News “I don’t care what anybody says, you take the party out of it, you take the money out of it.” Plymouth Township Treasurer Ron Edwards has a big job ahead of him. He is faced with the task of
Trustee accuses supervisor of ‘shadow campaign’

Photo: © Richard Sharland/Associated Newspapers of Michigan Mar. 26, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News “I call for a moratorium on newsletter until after the election.” Questions about campaign tactics of Plymouth Township Supervisor Shannon Price prompted a loud and expletive-filled response following the regular board of
Expense of holiday lights questioned by trustees

Dec. 19, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News Don Howard Staff Writer Two township trustees who peppered Plymouth Township Treasurer Ron Edwards with questions during a budget workshop last week said they were aghast to discover the cost of new holiday lights installed at Fire Station No. 3.
Township accuses business of blocking sewer

Nov. 30, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News “It’s not contaminating the environment. It’s not dangerous. It’s basically orange peel.” Don Howard Staff Writer “We’ve been caught in the political crossfire with Plymouth Township,” said Dan Dalton, a land use attorney representing a Plymouth Township manufacturing
Trustee questions 5-month credit receipt lag

Nov. 16, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News “Are we just supposed to sit here and approve what is put in front of us or are we stewards of public funds? When I ask questions the three of you (Price, Edwards, Conzelman) pounce on me.” Questions regarding credit