Special Memorial Day observance in Plymouth

May 19, 2020 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Members of the Plymouth Lions Club understand that safe Memorial Day observances during the pandemic are nearly impossible for large numbers of at-risk veterans. Many who have served have underlying health issues associated with their service and are of the age group most affected by the virus.
The Lions Club also recognizes the special importance of this years Memorial Day, one that marks the 75-anniversary celebration of the ending of World War II, with knowledge that the nationwide number of surviving service members has rapidly dropped to 300,000 from 939,000, since 2015.
Thanks to the creative and innovative Lions, a solution is at hand to bring the event to city residents with a planned Memorial Day Procession, a first in Plymouth.
Vehicles carrying vets of varied backgrounds and campaigns, from all branches of service, will proceed through the streets of Plymouth on Monday, May 25, between 10:00 – 11:30 a.m., for residents to show support and thanks for the veterans’ service.
Residents are encouraged to wave from their porch and decorate their yards and homes with flags and banners. For those whose home in not on the designated route, members suggest finding a safe place to watch while maintaining appropriate social distance rules.
Veterans who would like to participate in the procession should report to the Plymouth Cultural Center, 525 Farmer St. by 9:00 a.m. in their vehicle to line up. All participants must be in a vehicle.
Plymouth Voice.