Northville Concern requests donations

Apr. 22, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
News Plymouth Michigan
Northville Civic Concern volunteers have asked the community for help in their efforts to feed the less fortunate in the area.
The group is a beneficiary of the Simply Give Program sponsored by the Meijer Store located at Eight Mile and Haggerty in Northville. Shoppers are urged to look for the orange and white Simply Give displays near the checkout area. When shoppers purchase a $10 donation card, Meijer matches the donation to the Civic Concern food pantry. The current campaign will continue through May 12. Volunteers said that help is needed to keep the doors of Civic Concern open. They have asked that shoppers purchase one or two items of food each week and donate them to the facility. They also accept donations of grocery gift cards and cash. Clients who are job searching are in need of gas cards so they can get to interviews and job training programs, a spokesman said.
Donations are accepted at the Northville Civic Concern office in the Highland Lakes Plaza at 46251 Seven Mile Road between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On other days, donations are accepted at Cassel’s Restaurant or Worldwide Alterations also in the Highland Lakes Plaza. In downtown Northville, donations may be left at Genitti’s Restaurant, Great Harvest Bread Company, or the UPS store. Northville City Hall will also accept donations for Civic Concern.
For more information, call (248) 344-1033.
Plymouth Voice.