Local Groups sought for Fall Festival participation

Plymouth Michigan News
Organizers of the 2017 Plymouth Fall Festival are looking to add to the list of non-profit and community groups that participate in the event.
“The Fall Festival is a great way for nonprofit and community groups to gain exposure, fundraise, and make an impact on the community around them during the lively festival atmosphere. The event brings family and friends in the community together and premium booth locations along Main Street, between Ann Arbor Trail and Penniman Avenue, provide great opportunities for groups to talk about their cause and get the community involved,” noted James Gietzen of JAG Entertainment, one of the producers of the event.
Applications for booth space can be found on PlymouthFallFestival.com under the booths button or by following http://plymouthfallfestival.com/booths/. Applications are due to the Plymouth Fall Festival Committee in May. For more information, call (734) 335-0199 or send questions to info@plymouthfallfestival.com.
The Plymouth Fall Festival will take place Sept. 8, 9 and 10 this year. The Plymouth Rotary Club began the event more than 60 years ago as a community family picnic, to raise money for a new playground. The event was so successful it continued for several more years raising money for additional playground equipment, new athletic fields for the high school, and making donations to the Rotary Youth Benefit and Community Service Fund. Out of these community picnics grew one of Metro Detroit’s most successful events, The Plymouth Fall Festival, Geitzen noted.
Today, the Plymouth Fall Festival serves the famous Plymouth Rotary Club Chicken BarBeQue on Sunday and has expanded to include the Vietnam Veterans, Plymouth Canton Civitans, Plymouth Lions Club, Kiwanis Club, Canton High School Chiefs softball team, and many other community groups, by providing them an opportunity to fundraise and give back to the local community, he added.
President of the Fall Festival for the fourth consecutive year is Eric Joy, who, along with his committee members and Geitzen, oversees all the events and attractions at the festival. Joy will be doubly busy this year as he is also president of the Noon Rotary Club.
Plymouth Voice.