$100 million project planned in Plymouth

Plymouth Michigan News
Don Howard
Staff Writer
Plymouth Township planners have approved a new $100 million luxury condominium development slated to be built at St. John’s Golf Course owned by the Archdiocese of Detroit.
The Planned Unit Development (PUD) project is set for initial review by the board of trustees at an early May study session, according to Township Supervisor Kurt Heise.
Luxury homebuilder Toll Brothers has been working with civil engineering firms, architects and golf course designers for the past year. Company representatives have submitted plans to construct a private, gated community made up of 174 townhomes on the 200-acre grounds located at Five Mile and Sheldon roads.
The three-bedroom two-1/2 bath units featuring various floor plans and elevations are designed with two-car garages and will range in size from 2,000 to 2,700 square feet, all having views of the golf course grounds, according to the plans. The buildings, comprising triplexes of two, four and five units will have individual entrances and will be accessed by a private roadway running through the south end of the property and connecting to both Five Mile and Sheldon roads.
Engineers with Anderson, Eckstein and Westrick, Inc. said the project consists of four components with significant improvements to be the golf course itself. If approved, the 27-hole golf course will be reduced to an 18-hole course and the 240 existing retreat rooms located in the former seminary structure will be converted to 120 luxury hotel rooms connecting to the Inn of St. Johns. Also planned is a 10,000 square foot commercial office or multifamily building at the southwest 3- acre section at the corner of the property facing Sheldon Road.
Planning information released by Anderson, Eckstein and Westrick states that the developer has prepared a traffic study outlining upgraded new traffic signals and right turn lanes for access to the project. Also under review are environmental concerns for wetlands, tree conservation and water and sewer needs.
Members of the board of trustees must approve the PUD before submitting final sight plans, said Township supervisor Kurt Heise, indicating he’s very much in favor of the project at St. Johns.
“The expansion at St. John’s will certainly further the entire Plymouth Community as a destination to live, work and play in southeast Michigan,” he said.
The original St. John’s Seminary dates back to 1948 when it was major religious community in Michigan. In 1994, the archdiocese began to revive the complex as a family and youth conference and retreat center after purchasing 10-acres of land from Northville Township that allowed for the expansion of the 18-hole golf course to the present 27-hole public course and driving range.
The Inn at St. John’s, which is connected to the seminary buildings, was constructed in 2006 and is held by a private investor. Hotel Investment Services, Inc., a private contractor, manages the hotel, conference center, and golf course. Carl’s Golfland operates the golf store and driving range under a lease.
Plymouth Voice.
Gallery Photo: Artists rendering of new Toll Brothers development.