Let’s not spoil our town

Feb. 23, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Times have changed.
As the City of Plymouth continues to grow and flourish as one of the most desirable communities in the country, change is inevitable. Demographics have changed, the landscape has seen change and the environment has changed.
What hasn’t changed is the character and atmosphere of the town. Plymouth is the town in which everyone wishes they had grown up. Plymouth is the place where there are people in Kellogg Park in the center of town at all hours. Plymouth is the town where neighbors still know each other and freely share aspects of their lives at nearly every phase of adulthood, whether raising children, tending grandchildren or coping with the issues of aging.
Plymouth is a special and unique place indeed and is the epitome of an idealized Norman Rockwell community for many.
We don’t want that enviable and desirable climate to change into something that inevitably accompanies the inherent problems of too much alcohol available at too many places.
Next week, members of the Plymouth City Commission will vote on formally increasing the number of liquor licenses available in our picturesque example of Americana from 24 to 28, with two remaining in escrow. The little town that prides itself on wholesome, community values and presents an image of middle-class perfection wants to add more liquor licenses in an effort, according to one member of the commission “to compete with Detroit.”
The answer to this should be a resounding no. There is no reason the City of Plymouth needs to compete with the City of Detroit for anything. Detroit is an urban community, a large city with a diverse demographic and areas of entertainment and sports arenas along with professional sports teams. Plymouth is not that and should not, in any way, be attempting to compete with or become Detroit.
Plymouth needs to remain Plymouth, where restaurants offer wine and liquor with dinners, where there are a few neighborhood watering holes where neighbors gather to watch sports on TV with friends, or smaller eateries where a nice glass of wine makes lunch an experience.
There is no reason the City of Plymouth needs to compete with Detroit for the company of those who visit only to become rowdy, disruptive and problematic. Not too long ago, the complaints about drinkers causing problems in neighborhoods near some establishments where they had been “over-served” included public urination, unspeakable trash and effluvia, loud noises, obscene language and general rowdy behavior. Neighbors complained loudly to commission members about the disgusting remains and garbage they had to clean up, not to mention the lost sleep from the noise and the general feeling of unease the proximity of drunken strangers prompted.
Now, the police chief says that the situation has changed and his officers “can handle it” but why should they have to and why should residents near some establishments be exposed to this insult to their peaceful enjoyment of their homes?
We suggest that residents let the city commissioners know that perhaps the increase in the number of liquor licenses isn’t the wisest or best decision for the town and that part of their job is to protect the character and atmosphere that has garnered Plymouth the reputation for excellence and prestige it now enjoys.
Plymouth Voice.