Students worthy of honors

Oct. 18, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. The Plymouth-Canton Educational Park Marching Band has won yet another championship. The band students have won so many awards that many in the community have become somewhat jaded to the importance of their accomplishments. This is a big deal. Every one of these competitions,
OPINION- Just before election, Plymouth board meeting cancelled.

October 23, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. The Plymouth Township Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 23, was cancelled late Friday and a notice posted on the Town Hall bulletin board. Township Clerk Joe Bridgman said, “There were no action items for discussion; at least none submitted to me.”
Detroit News-Vote NO on Prop. 3

October 23, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Setting energy policy in the Constitution could cut off Michigan from new technologies From The Detroit News DETROIT NEWS EDITORIAL September 26 2012 One hundred years ago, when coal was the fuel of choice for heating homes and powering America’s cities, no one
“Put me back protecting our streets, not in debt to Canada”

WATCH VIDEO- October 20, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. “We’re hurting in the area of public safety. Our numbers are constantly falling with police and firefighter layoffs.” Dan Schewe, Brownstown, MI “Citizens should have the right to decide if the State should undertake major international bridges or tunnel projects for motor
Community Bulletin Board

October 19, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. PUBLIC SERVICE NOTICES -CITY OF PLYMOUTH Leaf Pick Up Bulk leaf pick up next week (Week of October 22) in Area C. Area C is all streets South of Ann Arbor Tr., West of S. Main St., North of Ann Arbor Rd. Road
OPINION- Is Plymouth Township Supervisor distorting his military service?

October 19, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Is Plymouth Township Supervisor distorting his military service? By: Brian Bentley “I suggest that when you renew your tabs in December, you request a license plate more accurately reflective of your service to our country.”…Brian Bentley to Richard Reaume. I walked
Plymouth cop kills suspect in confrontation

WATCH VIDEO – WJBK FOX 2 – DETROIT By Maurielle Lue FOX 2 News Reporter OCT. 20, 2012 READ UPDATED STORY Police shooting under investigation THE EAGLE – w w w . a s s o c i a t e d n e w s p
As election nears Supervisor reveals plan

October 12, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. “We don’t have the money to hire more people, Besides, [he said], Supervisor Richard Reaume is in charge of day-to-day township operations.” Ron Edwards, Plymouth Township Treasurer. Plymouth Observer, Oct. 14, 2012 As the race for Township Supervisor tightens before the Nov. 6
Township officials receive donation from Bosch.

October 10, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Robert Bosch Corp. executives presented the Plymouth Township Trustees a check for $30,000 at the regular board meeting Tuesday to help fund the construction of a $350,000 warming pavilion inside Township Park. At the July 17 meeting of the board members, trustees voted 5-1
Supevisor remains silent about cop jobs; resident upset

October 4, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Township safety plan questioned To the editor; At the Sept. 25 Plymouth Township Board of Trustees’ meeting, I asked our township supervisor an important question regarding his plan to implement a public service model that has police officers serving as firefighters. The plan