OPINION- Just before election, Plymouth board meeting cancelled.

October 23, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
The Plymouth Township Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 23, was cancelled late Friday and a notice posted on the Town Hall bulletin board.
Township Clerk Joe Bridgman said, “There were no action items for discussion; at least none submitted to me.”
What appeared curious was the fact this was to be the last regular meeting before the Nov. 6 election and Township Supervisor, Richard Reaume, had been unwilling to discuss details regarding controversial public safety issues, specifically training policemen to act as firefighters.
We’re not certain, but it would appear that pointed questions directed to the supervisor and treasurer from residents regarding those plans, a now famously hot topic in the township, just might prove to be hazardous to the incumbent candidates as the election draws near.
Reaume finally acknowledged and disclosed sketchy details of Treasurer Ron Edwards’ Public Safety Officer (PSO) plan last week to a local newspaper.
Another contentious topic came up last week and Reaume was chided about misrepresenting his military service after a resident questioned his right to have a Vietnam Veteran license plate. He did not want to address this subject.
The only losers here are the citizens and residents who want answers to their questions; everyone on the board still gets paid, meeting or no meeting.