Missing Person-Marcus Jay Esper

UPDATED. Washtenaw County Sheriffs Office reports 56-year old Marcus Jay Esper, the Superior Township man who went missing on March 25, was found deceased in Belleville. Deputies said Espers vehicle was found unoccupied Thursday parked behind a church in Van Buren Township.
Plymouth residents initiated into Honor Society

Phi Kappa Phi, founded in 1897, is the nation’s oldest, largest, and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines.
Important Township Public Hearing set for Tuesday

Mar. 25, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News On Tuesday, March 26 the Plymouth Township Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing and vote on the establishment of an Industrial Development District (IDD) for the 31.5-acre parcel of land located at the southeast quadrant at Haggerty and Schoolcraft
Canton Farmers Market returns

The new season of the outdoor Canton Farmers Market will re-open on Sunday, May 12, and will be open from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. every Sunday through Oct. 13
Plymouth Chamber honors local business leaders

Bank of Ann Arbor was honored as Large Business of the Year, and Stella’s Black Dog Tavern as Midsize Business of the Year. Mayflower Towing was named as Small Business of the Year.
Wayne County showcases ‘Mill Run’

“We’ve decided to market the legacy manufacturing properties for sale after determining it is the most effective way to protect them and the history they represent.” Wayne County Executive Warren Evans.
State police launch DWI crackdown

This Sunday, troopers will join their counterparts from across the country in the international traffic safety initiative, Operation C.A.R.E.
Former Plymouth Township official receives reduced sentence

Because Mitchell cooperated with law enforcement and had negotiated a plea deal in exchange for the information, he was not likely to face a 10-year prison term nor a $250,000 fine, but the reduced sentence imposed today.
Volunteers needed for Kids Coalition Against Hunger

Mar. 13, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Volunteers are needed for the fourth annual Greater Plymouth/Canton Service Project to benefit the Kids Coalition Against Hunger and local food pantries,set for May 11. As in past years, volunteers with gather to pack dried food packages at the Plymouth Arts and
Canton Mom to Mom sale set for March 16

Mar. 9, 2019 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Canton Leisure Services will host the annual Mom to Mom Sale from 8 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 16 at the Summit on the Park, located at 46000 Summit Parkway, Canton. More than 60 booths will be on site offering