Whitmer’s road repairs includes Plymouth Township

Jun. 6, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Last week in a public relations release titled “Fix the Damn Roads,” Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced road repair projects that are expected to soon begin in six Michigan counties, including Wayne, Iosco, Ogemaw, Saginaw, Tuscola and Washtenaw,
The sole Wayne County project on the Governor’s list is located in Plymouth Township and set to repair Ann Arbor Road between Canton Center and Napier Roads. There was no mention of the lagging Ford Road Corridor project in Canton that was originally scheduled by the MDOT to be complete in 2020.
Work includes pavement conditioning along with milling and refilling of the 3-mile stretch, ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) ramp upgrades at each side street intersection along Ann Arbor Road, guardrail work, new signs, and pavement markings. Based on economic modeling, Whitmer reports this $2.7 million investment is expected to support 34 jobs. Work is estimated to be completed in the fall of this year.
Whitmer, who won election four years ago on a promise to “fix the damn roads,” recently stated she needs more time to fulfill that pledge.
I’ve “never suggested that in one term we could fix decades of under investment,” Whitmer told Bridge Michigan in an interview during the 2022 Mackinac Policy Conference earlier this month.
Said conference attendee Eric Ventimiglia, executive director of advocacy group Michigan Rising, “Anyone who drives on Michigan roads is aware that ‘fix the damn roads’ was just a false promise to win an election.”
Plymouth Voice.