Whitmer’s new focus – to get more people vaccinated

Apr. 30, 2021 PLYMOUTH VOICE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Gov. Gretchen Whtimer announced this week she is loosening emergency orders based on resident’s willingness to get vaccinated. Whitmer’s latest approach to her COVID regulations now ties her restrictions to incentivized vaccine participation, rather than rigid mandates.
Reaching the plan’s ultimate vaccination goals may be slow and difficult, if not impossible.
According to the new state “MI Vacc to Normal” plan, more than half of adults will have to get their first vaccine before any restrictions will change. Four benchmarks determine when the state health department will lift masking requirements and gathering limits.
Whitmer calls the plan “a creative way to challenging us to rise to this moment…” Up until now the governor has refused to address calls by legislators and members of the business community to set specific metrics for relaxing regulations.
“It took 400 days too long for the governor to be straightforward about how she will navigate the disease,” quipped Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, R-Clarklake.
According to the final phase of the four part plan, when Michigan has 70 percent vaccination rate the mask order will be lifted – two week later. Statistics show that as of the end of April, only 48.8 percent of the states population, age 16 and above, have received at least one dose of the vaccine.
Mayo Clinic reports many people are vaccine hesitant for reasons including religious objections, fears of risks, skepticism about the benefits, child vaccination concerns, pregnancy; to name a few.
Under the Governor’s plan:
- 55% of Michiganders (4,453,304 residents), plus two weeks
- Allows in-person work for all sectors of business.
- 60% of Michiganders (4,858,150 residents), plus two weeks
- Increases indoor capacity at sports stadiums to 25%.
- Increases indoor capacity at conference centers/banquet halls/funeral homes to 25%.
- Increases capacity at exercise facilities and gyms to 50%.
- Lifts the curfew on restaurants and bars.
- 65% of Michiganders (5,262,996 residents), plus two weeks
- Lifts all indoor % capacity limits, requiring only social distancing between parties.
- Further relaxes limits on residential social gatherings.
- 70% of Michiganders (5,667,842 residents), plus two weeks
- Lifts the Gatherings and Face Masks Order such that MDHHS will no longer employ broad mitigation measures unless unanticipated circumstances arise, such as the spread of vaccine-resistant variants.
Plymouth Voice.