Volunteers needed Saturday for Rake-N-Go

Apr. 24, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
Plymouth Community United Way desperately need volunteers to clean yards and do light chores in Plymouth, Plymouth Township and Canton this Saturday, April 26 during the Rake~N~Go.
The event helps senior citizens and developmentally disabled adults.
Volunteers can come alone, with family members, as a team of co-workers or friends.
A complimentary breakfast will be served beforehand.
Volunteers are asked to bring rakes, garden tools, hedge trimmers, and gloves. Yard waste bags will be supplied.
To volunteer, call (734) 453-6879, ext. 7 or e-mail randi.williams@pcuw.org.
Plymouth Community United Way organizes two raking events a year: Make a Difference Day in the fall and Rake~N~Go in spring. Last November, more than 300 volunteers cleaned 67 yards of senior citizens and people with disabilities.
Serving the Plymouth and Canton community since 1944, Plymouth Community United Way addresses human service needs of individuals and families.
For more information, visit.plymouthunitedway.org.
Plymouth Voice.