United Way honors donors at annual ceremony

Apr. 22, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
News Plymouth Michigan
Marie Morrow opened the Plymouth Community United Way (PCUW) Annual Meeting by thanking Johnson Controls and the more than 100 business and community leaders in attendance April 4 at Comcast in Plymouth.
The early morning meeting and awards presentation was a way to show appreciation for those who contributed to the 2013-14 fundraising campaign and provided community service, according to Morrow, president of United Way. It also was an opportunity for the public to learn about the work the nonprofit does in Plymouth, Canton and western Wayne County. Several of the food pantries sup- ported by PCUW were showcased as was Southeastern Michigan Veterans Stand Down, a nonprofit that helps homeless veterans.
The morning began with a continental breakfast followed by the meeting which included reports on organization 2013 finances. While PCUW continues to provide basic needs and other much needed human services, the nonprofit is moving forward on initiatives to produce lasting change.
Cindy Briody, pastoral minister/Christian service for St. Raphael Catholic Church, told stories about the Human Service Collaborative founded by PCUW to assist with needs unable to be served by other agencies. Briody encouraged the audience to donate food as there is still need in the community. St. Raphael, St. Mary’s Community Outreach, Salvation Army-Plymouth Corps and Focus: HOPE are a few of the local pantries supported by Plymouth Community United Way. Briody spoke of one young boy thrilled to see a box of Jell-O on a pantry shelf not because he was especially fond of it, but “when there was nothing in the house to eat, there was water to make Jell- O.”
Silence fell on the room until Briody finished speaking about the struggles of low-income families when it comes to feeding their children.
Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Community Service awards were then presented by Board of Directors Chairman Lou Whitlock. Among the recipients were Johnson Controls, JCIM, Comcast, DTE Energy, UPS, Robert Bosch LLC, Community Financial, Shiloh Industries, Meijer #32 in Canton, Enterprise-Rent-A-Car, Consumers Energy, SKF, Varroc Lighting Systems, Yazaki North America, Federal Mogul, TRAM, Vico Products as well as dozens of other businesses.
Johnson Controls received the Platinum Award, the highest level attained by Key Contributors. “Johnson Controls is proud to be recognized by the Plymouth Community United Way with the Platinum Award for its 2013 Campaign. Our employees have a long tradition of being generous supporters of this great organization and the outreach it provides to the Plymouth community” said Jeff Williams, group vice-president and general manager, Global Complete Seat, Johnson Controls Automotive Seating.
Community Service Awards went to Dodson Elementary in Canton for collecting hats, gloves, scarves and socks to help low- income and homeless families and individuals. Smith Elementary stocked local food pantries with a van full of food plus hats, gloves and scarves. This was the second year, the two schools received awards for the large amounts collected. Plymouth and Salem Varsity Hockey teams sponsored food drives during games and volunteered at Make-A-Difference Day, raking yards of senior citizens and people with disabilities. ACO Hardware supplied the yard waste bags for Make a Difference Day and Rake~N~Go projects. UAW Local 845 donated turkeys and food boxes and volunteered for many projects in the community. During the past two years, The Church of the Nazarene donated more than 400 blankets that were distributed to the homeless and shelters in the metro area. Many other corporations, businesses, clubs, and individuals also donated food, back to school supplies, and warm winter items during 2013.
For information about giving and volunteering, visit www.plymouthunitedway.org.
Serving the Plymouth and Canton community since 1944, Plymouth Community United Way focuses on basic needs, education and stability.
Plymouth Voice.