United Way begins annual school supply drive

Aug. 5, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
It may seem like summer vacation just started, but local stores are already shifting into back to school mode. Plymouth Community United Way is no different. The official Back to School Supply Drive began last week and will continue through Aug. 12. New school supplies and backpacks can be donated at the United Way office, 960 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Ste 2, Plymouth. Items can be dropped off from 7:45 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 7:45 a.m. until 2:45 p.m. on Friday.
Items needed include: pencils, colored pencils, 24-count crayons, markers, yellow highlighters, red, black and blue pens, glue sticks, Elmer’s glue, scissors with rounded edges, pink erasers, rulers, one-subject wide ruled notebooks, composition books, 1-inch, three-ring binders, wide-ruled loose leaf filler paper, pocket folders, supply boxes and bags and back- packs.
United Way will also be accepting new socks and underwear in all sizes to be distributed to children. The items will be donated to the Plymouth Canton Community Schools Clothing Bank.
United Way representatives are available to help coordinate drives within groups, religious outreach groups or businesses.
For more information, visit www.plymouthunitedway.org or contact Randi Williams at (734) 453-6879 x7.
Serving the Plymouth, Canton and Western Wayne County area since 1944, Plymouth Community United Way addresses human service needs of individuals and families.
Plymouth Voice