Trains continue to block Plymouth crossings

Sign posted at Starkweather Street railroad crossing by City officials
Jun. 17, 2016 PLYMOUTH EAGLE.
Plymouth Michigan News
The City of Plymouth continues to receive multiple complaints on a near daily basis related to parked trains blocking crossings for upwards of one hour or longer, according to a prepared statement from the office of City Manager Paul Sincock.
“The City has set up an extension on our telephone system to allow residents to directly contact CSX Railroad 24 hours a day. In the event of a train blockage residents are encouraged to Tell CSX Railroad of the situation and to insure that your concerns are logged into the CSX System,” the statement continued.
Contact CSX Railroad directly by calling: 734-453-1234 extension 438 or 877-TELL CSX (877-835- 5279).
“Since trains are solely regulated by the federal government we suggest that you also make contact with our federal legislators: Sen. Debbie Stabenow, (313) 961-4330; Sen. Gary Peters (202)224-6221 and Rep. David Trott, (248) 528-0711.
The City of Plymouth is actively attempting to work with CSX Railroad to help resolve the situation that has developed over the last two months as a result of a change in CSX processes which causes trains to block crossings for extended periods, the release said. However, the railroad is regulated only by the federal government and it is extremely important that residents contact CSX Railroad directly to have their concerns “logged” into the CSX system. We also recommend that you contact your federal legislators to inform them of train blockages, the statement continued.
Plymouth Voice.
Photo: © Don Howard/Associated Newspapers of Michigan