Thursday’s band concert – biggest of the year

Jul. 29, 2015  PLYMOUTH VOICE,


Plymouth Michigan News


Thursdays’ Plymouth Concert-Series-in-the-Park will showcase the 300 members of the award-winning Plymouth-Canton Marching Band. The special concert will also include the Plymouth Community Band and the Plymouth Fife & Drum Corps. The event will be a fundraiser for the marching band’s trip to the 2016 Rose Bowl Parade, its first in more than 12 years. The concert theme, “Lets Go Blue,” will highlight University of Michigan fight songs. Carl Grapentine, public address announcer for the Michigan Marching Band and Wolverine football program, will act as concert host.

The free concert will start at an earlier time, 7:00 p.m. in Kellogg Park.


Plymouth Voice.


Canton Township
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