Salvation Army
Bell ringers to compete during Red Kettle drive
Dec. 15, 2015 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News The Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign collected more than $20,000 just before Thanksgiving, allowing the organization to provide holiday meals to more than 250 families in the Belleville, Canton, Northville and Plymouth area. The $21,244.12 total is about 12.3 percent of
Plymouth Tree Lighting planned
Nov. 5, 2014 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Plymouth Michigan News WATCH VIDEO This year, the Main Street Boulevard Tree Lighting and Salvation Army Red Kettle Kick Off ceremony sponsored by the Plymouth Downtown Development Authority will take place Nov. 14. This will be the fifth year for the event, which
Township firefighters again give back to their community
Lt. Dan Atkins thanked Dick Holloway, 91, for his donation to the Plymouth Township Fire Department’s 5th Annual Turkey Drive last Saturday at Kroger. Holloway, a veteran World War II fighter pilot lives in Plymouth. Nov. 28, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Happy Thanksgiving ! Firefighters spend their careers
Christmas Cheer in Plymouth
WATCH VIDEO Nov. 16, 2013 PLYMOUTH VOICE. The Salvation Army Band warms up an enthusiastic crowd in Plymouth’s Kellogg Park Friday evening for the annual tree lighting ceremony and the kick off of the Red Kettle Drive. |News Plymouth Michigan
Coats for Kids
Nov. 1, 2013 The Salvation Army (Plymouth) is collecting new gloves, scarves, hats and mittens for the Coats for Kids program this year. Donations will be accepted until Nov. 27 at The Salvation Army, 9451 S. Main, in Plymouth from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday and from
Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign in full swing
Nov. 29, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. CLICK ON GALLERY PHOTOS ABOVE It may have been Black Friday, but the Salvation Army bell ringers were hoping that shoppers only saw the red of their kettles last week. Volunteer bell ringers were in good holiday spirit as shoppers scurried about, braving
Gifts to red kettle are needed
Nov. 21, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. They started a little earlier this year. That’s because they have such a big job ahead of them and the calendar shaved a few days off their time to do it. The Red Kettle program of the Salvation Army has already started, and there
Township Firefighters’ Turkey Drive aids needy
Nov. 15, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Gobble, gobble Firefighters spend their careers saving others from danger and peril. Every day, they respond to fires and medical emergencies, tending to the welfare of others, as part of their job. The Plymouth firefighters have taken that responsibility even further, however, and are
Bells will ring in the season
Nov. 1, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. Salvation Army “Doing the Most Good” It is the sound of a tradition throughout the area during the holiday season. While it many not seem possible that the Christmas holidays are near, next week the ringing of the bells at The Salvation Army